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Aug. 30, 2013

Israel Shahak wrote a foreword to his translation of Oded Yinon’s 1982 paper for the World Zionist Organization which revealed Zion’s plans for America, Israel, the Mideast and the world. The Israelis claim all the land in the Mideast from the Nile to the Euphrates. All America has to do is to evict all 300 million people already living there. Wesley Clark was given a list of 7 Muslim nations after 911 that America was to invade. That 2001 hit list originated in Israel in 1982. The last nations on that list  are Syria and Iran.

Today I would hope to prove that if America attacks Syria and Iran for Israel even risking war with Russia, then the Israeli Empire will self-immolate and the America we knew will die. The words 5 Minutes in the title refers to the undeniable fact that it will take Syria and Iran 5 Minutes to sink the American Persian Gulf and Mediterranean fleets, eviscerate the US Central Command and send America into a Depression so severe that I think it should be called the Greatest Starvation. Only 3 to 4 million Americans died in the last Depression. I think at least 10 million Americans and half a billion people worldwide will die from starvation if we do not use Debt Cancellation to avert disaster.

The Iranians have hundreds of small boats armed with Russian made anti-ship missiles designed to sink American aircraft carriers. Those would be the N-22 Sunburn (Mach 2.1) and the N-26 Onyx (Mach 3). They also have the Chinese made C-802 which has a 165 kg (364 pound) warhead. They have rocket artillery with ranges of 65, 92 and 130 miles (100, 150 and 210 km). This rocket artillery includes the Zelzal-2 meaning “Earthquake”. It is a 610 mm heavy artillery rocket with a 600 kg (1,323 lb) warhead. The missile is based on the Soviet FROG-7 missile.

Iran has 20 submarines. Their Russian designed torpedoes have a top speed of 360 km/h (223.7 mph).

The Iranians have many other anti-ship missiles that can be launched from small and medium sized boats from the land and from helicopters and jets.

The Iranians electronically hijacked an advanced CIA stealth drone proving they are not a primitive nation. Iran has a drone with a 1,000 km range capable of firing 4 missiles or dropping a 500 pound bomb (227 Kgs). Hezbollah has drones too. They launched drones over Israel which gave them sufficient information to knock out the Israeli electrical grid for six months if either Syria or Hezbollah is attacked.

I suppose I should point out that 40% of all oil tanker traffic goes through the Strait of Hormuz. All Iran has to do is to threaten to sink all oil tankers going through the Strait to force London insurers to shut down oil traffic out of the Gulf and drive oil to $300 a barrel.

Perform this thought experiment. Suppose the US launches 1,000 slow moving cruise missiles at Syria. Syria would be justified if it fired back especially if they waited for 40, 50 or 100 missiles to be launched.  Syria has Russian N-26 anti-ship missiles. They are unstoppable by the US and were designed to sink American aircraft carriers. If the Syrians damaged but deliberately did not sink one of the American destroyers, would Obama take the hint and go home or would he escalate? If he escalates, the Syrians could escalate and sink the American fleet and even take out American air base at Incerlik in Turkey.

The Iranians would be justified to defend their treaty ally. Iran could sink our Persian Gulf fleet and take out all 35 American Central Command bases near them. This would lead to the death or capture of American troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.

Oil would zoom up to $350 and then to $500 a barrel. The American economy will fall off the cliff into a Depression which as I said could be called the Great Starvation.

Israel will have at least 150,000 incoming missiles from Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. Hezbollah has 300 or more M-600 guided missiles with 1,000 pound warheads and is capable of turning Tel Aviv into a parking lot. The Syrians created a National Defense Force (NDF) which has 100,000 trained militia men and soon will have 150,000. Many of these men are loyal to Hezbollah and are armed with missiles capable of striking Israel.

As an exercise, you might calculate what will be left of the Israeli population if the 2,000 most industrialized and most populous square miles in Israel were hit by 1,000 thousand pound fuel air explosives and by 1,000 thousand pound conventional bombs. Hint 1: 42% of Israeli Jews live in 528 square miles of metropolitan Tel Aviv. Hint 2: A fuel air explosive has 4 times the impact of a conventional bomb. Fires and explosives require oxygen. A fuel air explosive burns up all the oxygen in the atmosphere in a radius of half a mile or more so it has more room for explosives in the warhead.

What do you think will happen to that leaky Israeli nuclear power plant at Dimona if it is hit directly by 7, 9 or even 12 missiles with 1,000 pound warheads? Would a nuclear meltdown improve the health of the Israelis who managed to survive those 150,000 incoming missiles and were living in the dark without hospitals?

Might I take this opportunity to point out what the former head of the IDF Gabi Ashkenazi has said about attacking Iran and Syria. He said, “It is STUPID.” Or was that the former head of the MOSSAD Meir Dagan who said people who want war are STUPID. Israel cannot survive. The American Jews who are pushing the Democrats and the Republicans to war are insane.

Please consider that Iran is an ally of China and Russia through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in which they have Observer status. The Iranians made secret alliances with the Pakistani military after the US killed those 24 Pakistani soldiers on November 26, 2011. Pakistan has lots of Hydrogen bombs. Of more immediate concern is that Russian task force in the Mediterranean. What plan does Washington have to avoid escalating a missile exchange between Syria and Israel and Russia into a thermonuclear war?

What would Obama, Bernanke and Mario Draghi at the European Central bank do if China began selling hundreds of billions of dollars in Treasury bonds while simultaneously buying gold, oil, silver, food and other commodities? The Chinese press could taunt Americans saying that they had their chance to wean themselves away from importing oil. Now they can pay $500 a barrel for oil. Americans could scurry around to earn $5,000 to buy an ounce of gold to buy anything from overseas.

A Navy JAG officer (lawyer) recently said their offices were inundated with calls from flag officers who wanted a legal basis to refuse an order to attack Iran and to refuse to arrest American civilians without trial and render them to foreign prisons for torture. The JAG officers are thinking that they should apply the Geneva Convention to American civilians and defend them in military court. The JAG officer also said that military officers do not want to arrest Americans without trial because they would be turned into a sieve meaning Americans have at least 300 million guns and 10 billion bullets.

I suppose this is where I explain Oded Yinon and the Zionists really believe Israel has the right to all the land from the Nile to the Euphrates river in Iraq. They believe they have the right to destroy every Muslim nation that would say No to Zionist insanity. Why should America suffer self-immolation because Israel thinks national suicide just like at Masada is a wonderful idea?

Israel could respond by firing 400 thermonuclear weapons at Muslims, Europeans, Russians and even Americans  because we did not do enough to prove we loved them. Of course that level of radiation added to Fukushima would kill 98% of the people in the northern Hemisphere but it is your duty to die for Israel. At least, that is what the preacher said on the radio before he asked me to send him money.

If we do not decisively say No to Israel and to Zionism very soon, we will all be doomed to what we deserve.

This is an update of the article I posted on New Years Eve of 2011. It was the most widely read essay I ever wrote. Israel has been threatening war with Iran for decades to no avail. The American and Israeli professional military know it is suicide. Attacking Syria is also suicide.

Since the bankers run the governments, I think a better option for them would be to launch a cyber attack on the banks of the US and Europe, to blame the Iranians and the Syrians or even the Chinese and to steal your bank accounts, mutual funds, pensions and whatever is not underneath your mattress.

If the bankers order an attack, they run the risk that the military will say NO. Only 9% of Americans support the war. And only 8% of the British public supports the war.