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The Daiy Sheeple

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Oct. 13, 2012

President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side Chicago back alley socialist insurgent pimp, just signed another Executive Order.  You know, President Obama, who isn’t a Zionist puppet, who will not follow orders from Tel Aviv, who doesn’t really like those Jews all that much anyways.

Say hello to the Executive Order from the President regarding Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions with respect to Iran

  • New sanctions fall under Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2012
  • New sanctions close loopholes on the existing sanctions against Iran
  • Adds penalties for those companies who aid Iran’s business sectors.
  • Punishes parent companies of subsidiaries that violate sanctions.

So, in other words, the Israeli Zionists have ordered that Iran be cut off from the world and the bank accounts of anyone who violates this dictate seized.

And how is this international outrage to be enforced?  Ooohhh, I see, that’s why we have been deploying our troops all around the world, to Australia, to South America, to Africa, and most recently (today) to Jordon on the Syrian border.  It looks like an escalation to invasion to me (sanctions are an act of war).  This will be an invasion that could lead to World War III.

Does it make sense?  Oh yes, it makes sense, dollars and cents.  But the Nobel Peace Prize winning Barack the Ordained One Obama wouldn’t purposely lead the United States into World War III, would he?  Of course he will, oy, I’m telling you.

This is an act of war, as sanctions, by definition, represent just that.   War can only be declared by Congress.  This Executive Order violates the Constitution.  It is an act of treason.  This is our lives we are talking about here.

Are we going to allow this dictator to precipitate the deaths of millions of us as a result of his soviet socialist insurgency?  I guess it has been a while.  Maybe the sheeple need to be taken out and slaughtered like the herd animals they are, again, so we can remember why World War I was the War to End All Wars, until we forgot.  But surely World War II….nope, we forgot again.  Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.