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Families of assassinated Iranian scientists’ sue Israel, US, UK

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Aug. 16, 2012

Iranian scientist family

Rahim Ahmadi Roshan, father of Iranian scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, who was assassinated by foreign-backed terrorists in January, speaks to a press conference in Tehran on August 15, 2012

The families of Iranian nuclear scientists assassinated by foreign-backed terrorists have filed a lawsuit against Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom, for their involvement in the murders.

Rahim Ahmadi Roshan, father of Iranian scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, who was killed in a terrorist attack in January, told a press conference in Tehran on Wednesday, that the families have asked Iran’s Judiciary to pursue their complaints and bring those responsible for the assassinations to justice.

In November 2011, some US presidential candidates said operations should be carried out against Iran, such as assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, sabotage of Tehran’s nuclear program, and even a military strike on the country.

Iranian scientists Ahmadi Roshan, Daryoush Rezaeinejad, Professor Majid Shahriari, and Professor Masoud Ali-Mohammadi were all assassinated by Israeli agents, according to Iran.

Ahmadi Roshan and his driver (Reza Qashqaei) were assassinated on January 11 after a motorcyclist attached a magnetic bomb to their car in Tehran.

On July 23, 2011, gunmen killed Rezaeinejad outside his house in Tehran. Rezaeinejad and his wife were on their way to their child’s kindergarten when they were approached by two men on a motorbike. The gunmen called him by name and shot Rezaeinejad, 35, in the neck when he turned around.

On November 29, 2010, terrorists attached bombs to the vehicles of Iranian university professors Majid Shahriari and Fereydoun Abbasi and detonated them. Professor Shahriari was killed immediately, but Dr. Abbasi and his wife only sustained minor injuries.

Professor Ali-Mohammadi, a lecturer at Tehran University, was killed by a booby-trapped motorbike in the Iranian capital in January 2010. The bombing took place near the professor’s home in the Qeytariyeh neighborhood of northern Tehran.

The United States, Israel, and some of their allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used the false charge as a pretext to push for the imposition of sanctions on the country and to call for an attack on the country.

Iran argues that as a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to develop and acquire nuclear technology meant for peaceful purposes.
