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Rockefeller loves the planet and you are hurting it -=- Hillary gave peace a chance

From Dick Eastman

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April 2, 2012

United Nations Soft-Kill Depopulation Agenda Exposed with Jurriaan Maessen

1: Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For "Mass-Scale" Fertility Reduction In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation ack...

United Nations Soft-Kill Depopulation Agenda Exposed with Jurriaan Maessen

I say that the best thing for the human race would be if every Moslem nation had several nuclear weapons aimed at Israel.  The weapons would be peace-makers, because Israel is the world's bully  -- Jews are the world's instigators of trouble, and Israel is the only thing they are not willing to sacrifice for their criminal schemes to work.  The Moslem nations have no designs for one race enslaving all other races - as is the goal of Talmud and Cabalah and non-religious Zionism such as that of Trotsky and Gumplowicz.  Not knowing Christian love, the Jew only respects the power of their enemies - that power being an ample combination of strength to uphold justice and intelligence to see through deception.  Right now Americans have neither of those things.  And Hillary Clinton is conducting David Rockefeller's foreign policy.

received  -- pictures and some quotes added 
Gulf Arab states have accused Iran of backing an uprising in Bahrain, and
of fomenting unrest among the Shi'ite Muslim minority in mostly Sunni
Saudi Arabia.  Hillary Clinton "The commitment of the United States to
the people and the nations of the Gulf is rock-solid and unwavering. Now
we look forward to expanding our multilateral cooperation as well." 
Gulf Arab states have accused Iran of backing an uprising in Bahrain, and
of fomenting unrest among the Shi'ite Muslim minority in mostly Sunni Saudi
Arabia. (Source: Reuters)

"We're going in with one intention: to resolve the international community's concerns
about Iran's nuclear program. Our policy is one of prevention, not containment. We
are determined to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,"

Iran Bashing: ‘G-d chose us to do that’

No politician with an anti-Zionist mindset could ever dream of living in the White House,” Chancellor Professor Naseer Aruri (University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth).




US secretary of state, Hilary Clinton, certainly tops the list of the Crypto-Jew Iran-bashing

world leaders – followed by French Sarkozy, British Cameron, Israeli Bibi and US Obama.
On Saturday, she threatened Tehran from the Wahhabi capital of Riyadh saying her
window of peaceful negotiation with Tehran is about to close soon“.


Interestingly, the woman who has the reputation of lying with a smile, believes that

Iranian leaders are not sincere in clearing the US and Israeli suspicion of Iran’s
nuclear program.




Our policy is one of prevention, not containment. we are determined to prevent Iran from

obtaining a nuclear weapon,”
"It soon will be clear whether Iran's leaders are prepared to have a serious, credible discussion
about their nuclear program, whether they are ready to start building the basis of a resolution to
this very serious problem.  t is up to Iran whether they are ready to make the right choice. …
What is certain is that Iran's window of opportunity to seek and obtain a peaceful resolution
will not remain open forever."
We enter into these talks with a sober perspective about Iran's intentions. It is
incumbent upon Iran to demonstrate by its actions that it is a willing partner
and to participate in these negotiations with an effort to obtain concrete results."




Israel-Firster Rupert Murdoch owned British Sky News has warned Ankara

that Iranian "al-Quds" brigade is planning to target Jewish and American
interests in Turkey. Wouldn’t that be a nice way Israeli Mossad can derail
the upcoming meeting between P5+1 and Iran in Istanbul on April 13? After
 all, Mossad have the experience of bombing a Synagouge in Turkey in 2003.
HRC with David Rockefeller




Anthony Lawson, the international prize-winning commercial

director, cameraman, writer and author, fully agree with 
Professor Naseer Aruri. Lawson has just released a video,
entitled, ‘Iran Bashing: Terrorism and Who Chose The
Chosen People’ – exposing how the war-monger US-Israeli
leaders are repeating US-Iraq War lies to push Americans for
a new bloody war with the Islamic Republic for the dominance
of Israel in the Muslim world. A must watch video below.
Israel has over three hundred nuclear missiles, some of them in missile warheads pointed at European cities and some
in nuclear submarines, giving Israel a second strike capability even in a successful surprise nuclear attack by any nation.
But why would Iran start a nuclear exchange with Israel  -- no nation would do that unless threatened by extinction, by
death or slavery.  The Israeli insistence that no country should have countervailing power against Israel's move towards
world domination, with control of alliances with both the US the China through Zionist Rothschild power.



Iran Bashing, Terrorism and Who Chose The Chosen People, Anyway?

Clinton lamented what she called the Assad government's shelling of


civilian neighborhoods and targeting of mosques and churches.

She said these attacks have continued despite Assad's acceptance of U.N.

mediator Kofi Annan's plan to end the crisis. That plan includes an immediate

cease-fire and an eventual democratic transition. (USA Today)

The upcoming talks, which Clinton said would not be “an open-ended session,” have taken on fresh urgency amid speculation that Israel or the U.S. could take military action later this year.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters, issued a religious decree in 2005 declaring nuclear weapons as “haram,” or forbidden. The United States and its allies discount Iran’s claims.