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Activists Occupy AIPAC with message to Congress: No War On Iran

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March 11, 2012

***Take Action: Tell Congress and Obama: No War On Iran! Sign the petition at***


An AIPAC Policy Conference panel titled "Stopping Iran" had some unexpected speakers: activists with Occupy AIPAC and CODEPINK who stood up and "mic checked" Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Israeli Ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff. At about 2pm on March 5, four activists called out AIPAC for pushing for American support for an Israeli attack on Iran. One activist was violently attacked by an AIPAC member who used his tie to strangle the peaceful protester. Later in the afternoon two activists unfurled a "Don't Bomb Iran" banner inside the AIPAC hall. Security promptly pushed them out of the hall, and also forcefully removed an AIPAC delegate who had nothing to do with the action, but was taken out for being a bystander.


The full People's Microphone inside the panel said:

"Mic check!

Ros-Lehtinen is pushing war

based on lies.

We are the 99%

Wars benefit the 1%

Don't bomb Iran!

Diplomacy not bombs.

AIPAC supports endless war.

We support peace.

Occupy Wall Street not Iran.

Occupy Wall Street not Palestine.

No war on Iran."


The Occupy AIPAC coalition is gathering to urge Obama to reject the Israeli administration's push for war on Iran and insist on respect for Palestinian rights. Timed to coincide with the annual AIPAC policy conference from March 3-6, Occupy AIPAC aims to draw attention to the dangerous role of AIPAC as a special interest lobby that maintains a stranglehold over US policies. As the Occupy Movement has focused public ire on the role of large corporations and powerful lobby groups, hundreds have gathered in DC to protest AIPAC's push for war.