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Santorum on Iran: Meet My Demands Or Face Attack, 'That's The Plan'

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Feb. 13, 2012

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The Dems will have a field day! Ricky "My-balls-are-bigger-than-anybody-else" Santorum promises war! Yeah, give me some of that WWIII
Here's the problems with it...
Chinese/Russians will not tolerate a pro-western imposed Iran. They have told us so repeatedly. They will supply Iran with whatever is needed to enable ANOTHER US defeat. After which Iran will assuredly get as nuclear as possible!
This nut job promises to take his orders from Israel. That should be in America's interest for sure! ("Tell me what to do oh Obi-Wan Netanyahu!")
Where does he get off telling us HE will make the decision to put us in another bankrupting war? Isn't he a "conservative"? What does the CONSTITUTION say? (impeachable offense!)
What a demented doofus! Christian values? I thought Jesus said "turn the other cheek" or "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." - What would the Pope say, Ricky?  "Not Bomb, Bomb , Bomb Iran".  That worked pretty good for John McCain,...didn't it?
Oh well, what's four more years?
Joe Bechtol: