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Israel determined to attack Iran (and draw US into probable WWIII)

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November 3rd, 2011 | Author: Patriot

FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley sent through the following:

Stop the presses.  Call your US Senators and Congresspersons to see if they are ready to back up the destruction Israel is planning and make Israel their number one priority over the interests of their own country. 

We may be taking our “Don’t Bomb Iran ” banners onto the footbridge over 35W in the near future—will keep you posted!

Is the economic misery domestically inside the U.S. getting bad enough to overcome its citizens’ apathy about costly wars of aggression including launching an even more costly one?    

Coleen R.

Israel abuzz with talk of a strike against Iran 

  • Article by: ISABEL KERSHNER , New York Times
  • Updated: November 2, 2011 – 9:49 PM

Media reports said moves were afoot to get approval from the Cabinet.

JERUSALEM — Israel tested what experts said was a long-range ballistic missile Wednesday, firing it out to sea from an air force base south of Tel Aviv.

The test put an exclamation point on nearly a week of feverish reports and speculation in the Israeli media about whether the country’s prime minister and defense minister had decided to attack Iran ‘s nuclear complexes.

The Ministry of Defense would not specify what kind of missile was being tested, saying only that the launch was long planned. Yiftah Shapir, an expert in nonconventional weapons at Tel Aviv University , said he believed it most probably was a new satellite launcher, which would use basically the same technology as a ballistic missile with a range of thousands of miles.

The flurry of speculation about possible plans to attack Iran began with a column Friday by one of Israel ‘s most prominent journalists, Nahum Barnea, on the front page of the popular Yediot Aharonot newspaper. Barnea posed the question of whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak had already privately decided on a military strike, a question that Barnea said was preoccupying many in the Israeli government and elsewhere.

As the highly competitive Israeli media began trying to outdo one another with Iran-related articles, all based on anonymous sources, a debate arose over the merits and dangers of a public airing of such a sensitive matter of state security.

Barak told Israel Radio this week that no decision had been made and that “one did not have to be a great genius to understand that such a decision would not be taken by only two people.” On Wednesday, the Haaretz newspaper reported that Netanyahu and Barak were trying to muster a majority in the Cabinet in favor of military action against Iran .


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking cabinet support for a military strike on Iran, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Wednesday, after days of speculation about plans for an attack.

The report, citing a senior Israeli official, said Netanyahu was working with Defence Minister Ehud Barak to win support from sceptical members of the cabinet who oppose attacking Iranian nuclear facilities.

It came after days of renewed public discussion among Israeli commentators about the possibility that the Jewish state would take unilateral military action against Iran.

Israel has also successfully tested what local media called a “ballistic missile”, which a defence ministry official described to AFP as a long-scheduled “test firing of the rocket-propulsion system”.

Haaretz said that Netanyahu and Barak had already scored a significant win by convincing Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to throw his support behind a strike.

But the newspaper cited the senior Israeli official as saying those opposed to an attack still held “a small advantage” in the cabinet.

Media reports say there is also opposition from army and intelligence chiefs.

But such action by Israel would not be without precedent.

In June 1981, Israeli planes bombed and destroyed an uncompleted French nuclear reactor in Iraq, arguing it could have been used to make atomic weapons. The attack provoked an international outcry.

The United States, which like Israel has declined to rule out military action to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapons capability, refused to be drawn on the Israeli media reports.

“I’m not going to respond to that kind of speculation,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

“We remain focused on a diplomatic channel here, a diplomatic course in terms of dealing with Iran.”

Iran’s military chief, General Hassan Firouzabadi, warned on Wednesday that his country would “punish” any Israeli strike against it.

“We consider any threat — even those with low probability and distant — as a definite threat. We are on full alert,” he said, Fars news agency reported.

“With the right equipment, we are ready to punish them and make them regret (committing) any mistake,” he said.

On Monday, Barak was forced to deny media reports that he and Netanyahu had already decided to launch an attack against Iran over the opposition of military and intelligence chiefs.

“It doesn’t take a great genius to understand that in 2011 in Israel, two people cannot decide to act by themselves,” he said.

On Tuesday, Barak appeared to suggest in remarks to parliament that Israel could be forced to act alone against Iran.

“A situation could be created in the Middle East in which Israel must defend its vital interests in an independent fashion, without necessarily having to reply on other forces, regional or otherwise,” he said.

Haaretz said no decision had yet been taken on any military strike, and that a November 8 report from the International Atomic Energy Agency nuclear watchdog would have a “decisive effect” on the decision-making process.

The newspaper also cited Western specialists as saying any attack on Iran during the winter would be almost impossible because of thick cloud cover.

A report from London’s Guardian newspaper meanwhile suggested Britain’s armed forces were looking at contingency plans in the event the US opted for military action against Iran.

Thursday’s edition cited unnamed defence ministry contacts as saying they believed Washington might rush forward plans for missile strikes on Iranian facilities — and might ask for British military help.

The Guardian’s sources had also been told that the IAEA report could be a “game changer”.

Israel has consistently warned all options remain on the table when it comes to Iran’s nuclear programme, which the Jewish state and Western governments fear masks a drive for nuclear weapons.

Iran denies any such ambition and insists its nuclear programme is for power generation and medical purposes only.


James Morris and FBI Whistleblower Coleen Rowley about coming war with Iran


Coming Israeli attack on Iran:

AIPAC Pushes Hard for War With Iran (but doesn’t want the blame):

Following youtube says it all about Governor Rick Perry just telling CNN’s John King that he would give Israel permission to start WW3 via giving Israel the green light to bomb Iran:

Israel warns West: Window of opportunity to thwart Iran nuclear program is closing

Nov. 3, 2011