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Israeli military strike on Iran predicted


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Ex-CIA agent cites warning that possibility is 'no bluff'

Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium online newsletter published by the founder of WND. Subscriptions are $99 a year or, for monthly trials, just $9.95 per month for credit card users, and provide instant access for the complete reports.

Israel could launch a military strike on Iran before the United Nations General Assembly votes to recognize the existence of a Palestinian state as it is expected to do in the fall, a Middle East expert and former operative of the Central Intelligence Agency has said in a report in Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Robert Baer, who spent 21 years in the Middle East as part of CIA's Directorate of Operations, pointed to a recent statement by former Mossad chief Meir Dagan, who warned of an Israeli attack on Iran.

He quoted Dagan as saying that such an attack would be "no bluff." Baer, author of "See No Evil: The True Story of a Ground Soldier in CIA's War on Terrorism," also noted previous comments by Dagan suggested an Israeli attack on Iran could lead to a regional war.

Dagan also is on the public record as saying that a possible military attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would be "the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If anyone seriously considers (a military strike) he needs to understand that he's dragging Israel into a regional war that it would not know how to get out of. The security challenge would become unbearable."

Nevertheless, Baer said that Dagan's most recent comment told "with near certainty" that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was planning such an attack.

"In as much as I can guess when it's going to be, it's probably going to be in September before a vote on the Palestinian state," Baer said.

He added that Netanyahu is hoping to draw the U.S. into the conflict and "in fact there's a warning order inside the Pentagon to prepare for conflict with Iran."

In January 2010, Netanyahu raised the prospect of a military strike on Iran because the Islamic Republic has continued its nuclear enrichment program despite the imposition of international sanctions. At the time, he said that if U.N. economic sanctions did not work, then he would exercise the military option.

"The only chance these sanctions will achieve their objectives would be to couple them with an understanding from Iran that if they don't achieve their goal they would be followed by a credible military option," Netanyahu said.

The following month, in February 2010, U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen warned that Israel might attempt to "mousetrap" the U.S. into a war with Iran

For the rest of this report, and other Intelligence Briefs, please go to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin:

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