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The Waters Investigation and the Bombing of Iran Cancelled, Connect the Dots

Katherine Smith, PhD

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thics panel of having weak case after calling off her trial by Susan Crabtree

The following will help the reader understand why the Water’s trial and the Bombing of Iran has been indefinitely delayed: [Appendix B]

August 9, 2010 - The Maxine Waters Investigation: What is Iran Doing in this Picture?

[Excerpt] An investigation of any kind (especially one that is over events that took place in 2008) of the most outspoken voice of reason in the U.S. House of Representatives on the issue of U.S. aggression in the Middle East should put all Americans on Red alert. And if you want more proof of a concerted effort to paint Iran, a country with a non-existent nuclear weapons capability and an air force that belongs in museums read on. [End of Excerpt]

What is Iran Doing in this Picture? is promoted to the Main Page at Rob Kall’s OpEdNews and was the 5th most popular by page views on the site. September 18, 2010, forty days after the initial release, the article was still the 2nd Most Read article at The Peoples Voice with the majority of the traffic coming from Washington DC. [1]

August 16 - The Power of Community

August 26 - Want to find real community in the United States
 (Both articles also published at OpEdNews, see Appendix A)

[Excerpt] In September 2006, the world experienced a paradigm shift when a strong lobbying effort by grassroots organizations effectively derailed an initiative: A move that was tantamount to a declaration of war on Iran.

U.S.: Iran Resolution Shelved in Rare Defeat for Israel Lobby

A nuclear confrontation with Iran was avoided in 2006 because a small number of people with the power of community were enough to convince our Government not to take the world to the point of no return.

Our un-elected officials got the message, that the perils of a nuclear confrontation with Iran could mean the end of life for everyone here on earth. Congress refused to go along with the Bush Administration’s plans for military action against Iran. Just two years later, the power of community stopped congress from attacking Iran.

The community of grassroots Iranian-American, Jewish-American, peace, and church groups have proven over and over, when we cooperate with each other we can make a difference.

The Powers That Be (TPTB) knew the day would come when the people would realize the power they have when they work together for their own survival. That day is here! [End of Excerpt]

August 29 - Waxman, Waters and Iran, Connect the Dots
 (Also published at OpEdNews, see Appendix A)

[Excerpt] An investigation of any kind (especially one that dates back to events that took place in 2008) during a congressional debate over a preemptive strike on Iran will marginalize the most outspoken voice of reason on the issue of U.S. aggression in the Middle East.

At the same time Waxman, considered an expert on Middle East policy, with his irrelevant vote against the 2010 emergency funding for the Afghanistan war (it passed 308-114), will be the new voice of reason in the debate.

The idea that a nuclear strike on Iran to guarantee Israel’s security and survival will somehow guarantee world peace, should put everyone on Red Alert. [End of Excerpt]

Sep 3, 2010 Preparing for World War III in 1925

[Excerpt] The “Extraordinary claim” that Barack Hussein Obama, Ahmadinajad and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (the group behind the Mosque at Ground Zero) are setting the world up for World War III can be supported with facts, and therefore is not a conspiracy theory.

Google Trends confirms the U.S. is openly considering a raid on Iran’s (non-existent) nuclear weapons facilities.

We could be living in the most dangerous times the world has seen since the 1962 Cuba Missile crisis. Normally, I don't recommend those "take action"- campaigns: the ones that tell us, “It's not too late, click-here” to importune our "elected"- representatives with emails and faxes.

However, the perils of a nuclear confrontation with Iran are in line with Pike’s call for a Third World War; therefore, we need to harness the energy of the grassroots activists in the U.S. and around the world into The Power of Community, to prevent a war that could end all life on earth. We prevented a war in 2006 and 2008 and we can do it again in 2010. [End of Excerpt]

We dodged the nuclear bullet for a third time. [Appendix B]

Katherine Smith, PhD

“In a nuclear war all men would have been cremated equal” [Adapted from Dexter Gordon]

Endnote and Appendix A

[1] #5 Most Popular Content by Page Views at OpEdNews on 8/9/2010:

#5 8/9/2010 Article): The Maxine Waters Investigation: What is Iran Doing in this Picture? (by Barbara Mason)

Sky, executive editor, publisher and site architect of The Peoples Voice, updates the Most Read articles every three days. Sky investigated The Maxine Waters Investigation: What is Iran Doing in this Picture? traffic and found that the majority of hits came from Washington DC.

Appendix B

Results for Google Alert – Nuclear November 21, 2010

US envoy: N.Korea nuclear plans another provocation, Reuters

A US nuclear scientist revealed at the weekend North Korean officials had shown him a uranium enrichment plant, with more than a thousand centrifuges, ... US allies in Europe concerned about a possible failure of New START, Washington Post

The New START treaty would reduce by up to 30 percent the deployed, long-range warheads of both nuclear giants. It would also restart a system in which ...Iran to Raise Nuclear Fuel Production, The Chosun Ilbo

A senior Iranian lawmaker says the Islamic Republic will increase its production of nuclear fuel despite a possible resumption of talks with world powers ...US defense chiefs warns LatAm nations on Iran cooperation, AFP

SANTA CRUZ, Bolivia — Latin American nations need to be cautious with Iran and its motives when negotiating development of their nuclear capacities, Green groups take final shot to block Great Lakes nuclear shipment, National Post

A radioactive materials diposal area at the Bruce Power Nuclear facility located in Tiverton, Ontario. Environmental groups have one last chance to convince ...EDF Looks To Build Nuclear Empire Outside US, Wall Street Journal

By GéRALDINE AMIEL PARIS—The future of Électricité de France SA lies primarily in nuclear energy, but probably not in the US—at least according to Henri ...US-Iran Impasse on Nuclear Issue A Ray of Hope Emerges amidst All Odds, Radiance Viewsweekly

During the Bush regime, America picked up a quarrel with Iran for pursuing research in nuclear science. Zionist Israel and USA launched an offensive ... From the Bosphorus: Straight - Turkey's non-nuclear moment, Hurriyet Daily News

The carefully unspoken issue of a nuclear-armed Iran involves many things. But the core issue driving the impasse between Iran and the West really turns on ... Editorial: Depository secrecy could go nuclear, Prescott Daily Courier

Remember the proposed national depository - called Yucca Mountain - in Nevada that would see spent-but-still-volatile nuclear rods and waste trucked through ... Utilities helping Ameren Missouri get permit for second nuclear power plant, Southeast Missourian

Appendix B

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