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Is Ahmadinejad a sane person in an insane world?

Editorial by Von Helman

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in the Middle East desert killing 8 service men.

I also remember Ronald Regan during the 1980 election campaign say that if elected, as president the first order of business was to bomb Iran if the hostages weren’t yet released. Regan said this while doing his best John Wayne impersonation, but the result of that raspy threat as history recorded was that all 52 hostages were released within hours of Ronald Regan taking office.

Regardless if you’re old enough to remember that particular period in time, one thing is for sure and that is there seems to have always been a conflict between Iran and the USA as far back as most people can remember. What the original cause of this conflict was can be argued until even the best internet trolls will give up and go home, but one thing is certain, it’s a very real and very political conflict.

Recently I read an op-ed article claiming the USA had strategically invaded Iraq and then Afghanistan and Iran who was now simply in the middle and was next on the US hit list. However before the USA can simply invade a sovereign nation as they did with questionable pretexts in Iraq there stands in the way a Bull Dog who won’t stop biting the USA governments ankles, and that bull dog’s name is Ahmadinejad.

I use the descriptive term “biting at the ankles” and “Bull dog” not as an insult to Ahmadinejad but rather as a compliment to his tenacity for his beliefs and standing up for his nation regardless of their positions. Not to mention the description fits because the entire world knows the USA has the military might and the stock piles of nuclear weapons to eradicate any threat let alone the entire nation of Iranian but therein lies the problem, the USA doesn’t want to destroy Iran as in “wiping them off the map” sense of strategy, but rather a slow death by propaganda and sanctions until they are so weak that they crumble from within, then invade under some other justified pretense. Again both of these tactics seem to be failing as the bull dog keeps chewing up the CIAs proverbial homework assignment.

What remains of that tattered homework assignment is that tenacious Bull dog continues challenging the US government and openly playing the same propaganda mind games on them that the US government plays on the world.

Why does the USA care so much about Iran or meddling in Middle Eastern affairs when other countries such as Switzerland, New Zealand, and a whole host of others countries have no interest, is another debate altogether (with oil and natural resources probably at the top of that particular debate list).

One thing is clear though after Ahmadinejad’s recent appearance at the UN this week, and then after sitting down for an interview with a Fox News reporter its clear Mr. Ahmadinejad isn’t afraid to call it like he sees it, or to face tough criticism over his opinions by a main stream media organization like Fox News who tried to bully him in their interview.

When Ahmadinejad asked in “general” terms if everyone in the world believed what the US government had told them or suggested that an independent investigation of 9/11 should be considered it raised a firestorm of controversy as if the man had stepped across a sacred line of calling the US government on its integrity. Yet those same incensed Americas and their slanted main stream media can’t seem to stand back far enough to remember how their current President Barak Obama spent a million dollars in legal fees, having almost all of his past records sealed while proclaiming proudly the new era of transparency in the US government. Of course during all this transparency debate, if it wasn’t enough to add insult to injury Obama allowed congress to pass a trillion dollar stimulus package that benefited the banks and Wall Street but yet no investigation of where those funds went, or how they were spent has been properly initiated. This is of course on top of the Federal Reserve which still hasn’t been audited in its almost 100 year history, and which would probably make Bernie Madoff look like a cheap dime store thug taking a kids lunch money.

I have to admit I find it amusingly hypocritical that during this most recent US media propaganda campaign against Ahmadinejad (and Iran,) is that the media and the White House continuously brings up the Iranian human rights violations and the number of people executed in Iran during the tenure of Ahmadinejad as president, (all of which happens within their borders under their own laws) of which during Ahmadinejad's five-year tenure as the regime's president, 1,860 people have been executed.

The US media however neglects to mention the fact that according to an Opinion Research Business survey that 1,033,000 deaths of Iraqis citizens were a result of the USA led invasion and conflict during this same five year tenure. Even while other surveys estimate the number or Iraqi deaths to be far less (around 600,000 Iraqi deaths,) the fact remains it’s a hard sell to demonize Ahmadinejad and Iran when the USA is invading sovereign nations and exacting such death tolls on innocent people who never attacked America and who were in their own country simply minding their own business.

Yet even with these blatant actions of the American government backed by their military, the American propaganda machine demonizes Iran as a world threat because of their simple rhetoric and nuclear ambitions.

So while the Bull dog is biting at the ankles, the true threat under the name of the US Government is today allowing their own FBI to execute search warrants at the homes of several US Citizens who simply happen to be war protesters which is ironic when Iran is called out against its stance over protesters in their own country.

Therefore, after actually stepping back and looking at everything in its proper perspective, I have to ask myself is Mr. Ahmadinejad really just a sane person in an insane world? One thing is for sure, I'm glad that Bull dog doesn’t have longer legs or some countries might be singing soprano and rightfully so.

Editorial by Von Helman

Sept. 25, 2010