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Warning: We’re in the false-flag red zone for 911-2B

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We are in the red zone right now for another potential 9/11 style false-flag event. Here’s why.

Israel and its allegedly American cheerleaders are desperate to attack Iran ASAP, while Pentagon hawks are yearning to escalate the war in Afghanistan. In other words, the folks who brought us 9/11 and the 9/11 wars want a momentous escalation of those wars. And they want it NOW.

But the American people aren’t on board. Polls show that the war on Afghanistan is more unpopular than ever. And the level of destruction unleashed by a Zio-American attack on Iran would make our current economic chaos look like the Golden Age.

To get people to accept this kind of massive escalation, another major false-flag event demonizing Muslims, and thereby legitimizing escalations against the Taliban and the Islamic Republic of Iran, may be in the works.

The Ft. Hood probable false-flag attack (see Jerry Mazza’s article) seems to have been timed to coincide with the decision to try (the individual claimed to be) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the 9/11 patsy-in-chief. All of this appears to have been orchestrated to evoke memories of 9/11 and reinforce the official story–a necessary preliminary to any 911-2B. In other words, they may be softening us up for something big.

Remember folks, what we’re dealing with here is a war on Islam and Muslims launched and sustained by a whole series of false-flag events, not just 9/11-anthrax but also the attacks on Bali, Madrid, London, Mumbai, and now (apparently) Ft. Hood. There is no reason to think these people are going to stop any time soon.

Please consider getting proactive by stockpiling “Inside Job” plastic roll banner signs, to be publicly deployed in the event of a major false-flag event.

Thanks for listening, and keep up your efforts for truth and justice.


Must see:

Trend Alert: Deadliest False Flag Terror Attack Soon! Updated

Alert: Attack On Iran Appears Imminent

US, Israel, Egypt, Jordan hold secret meeting on Iran

Today’s Ancient Warfare: Facts vs. Beliefs

Major Hasan Of Fort Hood: A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live?

10 False Flags Operations That Shaped Our World

Obama Admits US Involvement in Iran Coup in 1953, But Doesn’t Admit American Involvement in False Flags

Video: Important Videos to Understand False Flag Operations

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have?

Flashback: CIA and the Israeli Mossad did 9/11

Cossiga, the man who set up Operation Gladio tells Italy’s largest newspaper attacks were run by the USA’s CIA and the Israeli Mossad.

“I knew that on 9/11 we had all become Israelis”– CIA George Tenet

Exploding across the Internet in one of the biggest bombshells to date, is the thoughts from a man who has had inside knowledge of these kinds of things since the get-go. He’s also dying from cancer and has nothing left to lose. He’s been an insider to the intelligence community for decades and well-respected in Italy. He says, along with himself, that it’s now a common belief among current intelligence people that 9/11 was, indeed, an inside job!

He’s one of the people who revealed the existence of a top-secret CIA plan in Europe during the cold war that used “false-flag” operations designed to paint any pro-Soviet groups in Europe as terrorists. This was a careful scheme to plant double agents within the lefty ranks and also to use bombing and assassination to make those commies look evil to the general population (somethings never change). The plan was called Operation Gladio.

Cossiga revealed all of this to the Italian Parliament in the year 2000. His honesty and integrity over the entire matter made him beloved by his people and yet the powers that be, used his revelations to force him out of office for exposing the real deal. Now, he’s saying that the attack on the US was an obvious false flag event staged by the CIA along with the Israeli Mossad to give them an excuse to do what they will in the Mideast:

Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, Francesco Cossiga, has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy’s most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.

Ex-Italian President: Intel Agencies Know 9/11 An Inside Job

If you can read Italian, here’s the source newspaper: Corriere della Sera, it’s supposed to be Italy’s oldest and most widely respected Newspaper. Evidently the Jews have yet to buy them out!

Everywhere, on the Internet people are talking. All kinds of perfectly legitimate people are looking at the evidence with an open-mindedness that defies the black-out and ridicule tactics of the mainstream media –controlled by the Zionist Jews.

Architects, Engineers, Scientists, Pilots and the like, are all joining the 9/11 truth movement –all across the land. People are calling on the government to reopen the 9/11 investigation and not to ignore the evidence that the 9/11 Commission blatantly turned their backs on when the Bush Jew Philip Zelikow ran things. Truth has a funny way of making it out. All of these Zionist gambits are now being exposed for what they truly are: Perfidy on a massive scale!


Sure do look like a bunch of NeoNazis to me! Right.

But make clear note about one thing and read this upcoming paragraph twice if you have to:

The Jew is now attempting to hide once again! That’s right. He’s mobilizing the anti-Racists activists, Liberal/Progressive groups into thinking that the whole thing is nothing but some giant Bush/Cheney Neocon Nazi plot! He’s using his favorite tactic by calling everything “Nazi,” as usual. Make clear note on how the Media has hidden all these things from you and who owns the media in the first place? The Zionist, Globalist Jew. His media has been trying to paint all of this 9/11 thing as crazy talk for 6 years and now he’s trying to give himself a political vehicle to hide himself from the real truths bursting out all over.

Don’t let them get away with this!

“I am forced to conclude that 9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war (see my review of Jim Bamford’s “Pretext for War”), and I am forced to conclude that there is sufficient evidence to indict (not necessarily convict) Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and others of a neo-conservative neo-Nazi coup d’etat and kick-off of the clash of civilizations (see my review of “Crossing the Rubicon” as well as “State of Denial”). Most fascinatingly, the author links Samuel Huntington, author of “Clash of Civilizations” with Leo Strauss, the connecting rod between Nazi fascists and the neo-cons.” Article here

These people are attempting to describe the Neocons as being Neo-Nazi! Unbelievable! The Neocons have always been predominately Jewish and were once described by Israeli press as being “warm Jews,” meaning they were Israel-Firsters– totally supporting the Zionist state from their positions of power within Washington, DC.

And I guess that the Zionist, Dual Citizens of Israel Michael Chertoff and our new Attorney General, Michael Mukasey are really secret Nazis after-all!

This Jew/Nazi gambit actually works with some of the brain-dead since they just refuse to look at the real facts to the on-going Jewish manipulations of race politics and the mass media brainwashing of this country. It’s simply astounding to me that they believe any of it, since the media is obviously in cahoots with the whole government ”al-Qaeda theory” and owned by the Zionist Jews. Imagine, if you will, if the US media was truly free and that Cheney was an Evil Nazi Dictator behind 9/11? Then, they would be “like so busted” within 6 months of 9/11!

No, the Zionist Mossad has his fingerprints all over 9/11. And the US media has been totally complicit in hiding this fact from the American people. They’ve been hiding the North American Union, the Globalist’s schemes like NAFTA against you and all of the Zionist apartheid behavior in Israel. And now they’ll expect you to believe that their hands are quite clean of all this and it’s been nothing but another Nazi plot. Oh the horrors –not those evil Nazis again!

Many people on the Internet are now calling the Jews “ZioNazi” to turn the tables on this game. Plus, it’s an apt description considering all of the Nazi-like behavior of the Zionists towards the Palestinians in Israel. In fact, I’m considering using it, as well.

–Phillip Marlowe

Must See:

House Of Rothschild: No One Can Understand What Has Happened To The Planet Without Reading This

How 9/11 was done


Destruction of the Trade Centers: Occult Symbolism Indicates Enemies Within American Government

Video: THE EXPLODING FLOORS OF 9/11 WTC and evidence of inside job, planted explosives

Video: BBC now admits Al Qaeda never existed

Bombshell: Osama Bin Laden worked for US until 9/11