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Mir-Hossein Mousavi is alleged to be a friend of Manuchehr Ghorbanifar (Iranian arms merchant, alleged MOSSAD double agent, and key figure in the Iran/Contra Affair)

We are not fans of the Ayatollahs in Iran.

We believe that they were put into power by the CIA and MI6.


Now, it looks as if the CIA and its friends are trying to toppple Ahmadinejad.

Or, at least, force Iran to negotiate.

Iran: Some Dots You May Want To Connect

In what ways has Iran upset the CIA?

In the past, Ahmadijedad has dared to criticise Israel.

Iran is becoming more friendly with China, Russia and India.


According to Xymphora (Iran election wrap):

“Mousavi, a politician who had been out of power for twenty years, entered the race at almost the last moment. The poll showed he didn’t even come close to Ahmadinejad amongst his own ethnic group.

“Ahmadinejad is considered to be personally completely non-corrupt, while a major supporter of Mousavei, Hashemi Rafsanjani, is infamous in Iran for his corruption.

“Mousavi is also good pals with Manucher Ghorbanifar!

Remember the meeting in Rome with Ledeen in which they cooked up the trickery which led to the disastrous American attack on Iraq?

“Remember the Niger documents?

“The connections to corruption and to the neocons make Mousavi’s recent actions quite understandable.

“He never thought he was going to win.

“He was in the election from the get go as part of a neocon/Zionist plot to destabilize Iran and make the election ‘illegitimate’, thus making it easier for the Jews to claim that the United States ‘had no negotiating partner’.”

New York City – photo by John Catolinatto

People Power only works when supported by the elite?

1. lets look at the UKRAINE.The Orange Revolution looks like a CIA operation to replace a set of pro-Russian oligarchs with a set of pro-American oligarchs.

Ian Traynor, in The Guardian 26 November 2004 (US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev Special reports …), described the Ukraine’s Orange Revolution as ‘an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing…

‘The Democratic party’s National Democratic Institute, the Republican party’s International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO and billionaire George Soros’s open society institute. ‘

After the Orange Revolution, Mr Yushchenko personal popularity rating soon slumped to 20% as people realised they had been conned. ( Yushchenko scorned as Ukraine turns its back on the orange … )

What happened in Serbia was also planned, apparently, by the USA. (US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev Special reports …)

2. Now let us look at revolts in Eastern Europe, including Hungary and Romania.

In 1956 there was revolt in Hungary against the communist regime. There was no serious support for the rebels from the CIA and its friends and the revolt was crushed.

The 1989 revolt in Romania was successful.

An article apparently written by former Securitate officers (‘Was This Your Revolution? This is How It Was!’ Democratia, No. 36, 24-30 Sept. 1990) describes how the CIA and KGB organised the fall of Ceausescu.

Reportedly, key figures in the revolt were working for the CIA and KGB, including Militaru (allegedly a KGB-CIA double agent) and the former Securitate officer and adviser to Ceausescu, Dumitru Mazilu (allegedly a CIA agent), and Silviu Brucan (allegedly both a CIA and KGB agent).

Reportedly, just before the revolt, there were ‘massive arrivals of so-called Hungarian tourists in Timisoara and Soviet tourists in Cluj’.

3. What about the Philippines?

By the mid 1980s, the CIA had decided that Marcos was no longer the person to run the Philippines. The CIA wanted someone more ‘popular’. So a People Power movement was used to replace Marcos with Aquino.

4. Indonesia provides the best example of CIA-organised People Power.

At some point in the 1990s Suharto was seen by some Americans as having become too powerful and too independent minded.

Suharto was giving too many business contracts to his family and Chinese-Indonesian cronies, rather than to American companies like Ford.

Some people in the Pentagon considered the possibility of having a general such as Prabowo or Wiranto or Yuhhoyono take over.

In order to topple Suharto there would need to be riots.

In Indonesia, in the years 1997- 1998, there were riots in various parts of Indonesia. Some riots looked spontaneous and some looked as if they had been planned. (

People Power only works when supported by the elite?

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