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American lawmakers have introduced legislation that would redirect US sanctions against Iran to the country's gasoline imports.


The "Iran Diplomatic Enhancement Act" aims to choke off gasoline imports to intensify measures against the Iranian nation for its continued pursuit of nuclear technology.

Iran says its nuclear program is directed at the civilian applications of the technology. The West, however, accuses the country of seeking nuclear weaponry in its pursuit.

Reps. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) on Wednesday introduced the act, which has a bipartisan group of more than 20 co-sponsors and targets entities that supply, broker, insure or deliver gasoline to Iran or help the country build refineries domestically.

"Iran's need to import a significant portion of its gasoline is among the best levers we have at our disposal," AFP quoted co-author of the legislation, congressman Sherman as saying.

According to the lawmakers' estimate, Iran relies on gasoline imports to meet 40 percent of its domestic demand, most of which comes from five European firms and one Indian company.

The announcement comes at a time when the Obama White House claims it is reviewing its policy and stance toward Iran. President Barack Obama has promised to engage Iranian leaders in direct dialogue to address concerns about the country's disputed nuclear program as well as other issues.

Prospects of US-Iran rapprochement have not been well-received among Israeli circles and powerful Israeli lobbies in the US.