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US To Sign Strategic Defense Pact With Iran, Russian Foreign Ministry Reports

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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In what will most certainly be a blow to Israel, Russian Foreign Ministry sources are reporting in the Kremlin today that Foreign Minster Sergey Lavrov has been informed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that President Obama has ordered the process to begin which will eventually lead to the United States signing of a Strategic Defense Pact with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that the United States and its NATO allies who are currently embroiled in a brutal war against the over 42 million fiercely independent Pashtun peoples of Afghanistan and Pakistan, that no Nation in history has ever been able to defeat, are in ‘imminent danger’ of having all of their supply lines cut that support their military forces in that region.

The biggest blow against the United States and NATO came yesterday when Kyrgyzstan confirmed that it will close the main US air base on its soil supporting its troops in Afghanistan, and as we can read:

“Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev said in Moscow on Tuesday that his country was shutting down Manas air base, which US and NATO forces have been using to route troops and supplies into Afghanistan.

“[We have] made the decision on ending the term for the American base on the territory of Kyrgyzstan,” Bakiyev said during a Tuesday press conference with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow.

The Kyrgz president explained that the closure was because the two sides had not agreed on the "economic support" the US would provide Kyrgyzstan in exchange for its presence in the country.”

This action against the Americans war effort follows by a day the severing of another of their main supply lines to Afghanistan, and as we can further read:

“Militants blew up a bridge in northwest Pakistan on Tuesday, temporarily cutting a major supply line for Western troops in Afghanistan, a government official said. The attack was the latest in a series on the Khyber Pass by insurgents seeking to hamper the U.S.-led mission against the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan.”

So dire has the supply situation to US and NATO troops in Afghanistan become that NATO’s Top Military Commander has issued unprecedented permission for the utilizing by his Member Nations of the Islamic Republic of Iran to supply their forces, and as we can read:

“NATO would not oppose individual member nations making deals with Iran to supply their forces in Afghanistan as an alternative to using increasingly risky routes from Pakistan, the alliance's top military commander said Monday.

Gen. John Craddock's comments came just days after NATO's secretary general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, urged the U.S. and other members of the Western military alliance to engage with Iran to combat Taliban militants in Afghanistan.

“Those would be national decisions. Nations should act in a manner that is consistent with their national interest and with their ability to resupply their forces,” Craddock, an American who is NATO's supreme allied commander, told The Associated Press. “I think it is purely up to them.”

Not understood by many American peoples are that the Iranian peoples are fervent enemies of the Taliban rulers of the Pashtun peoples of Afghanistan and Pakistan after the brutal killing of its diplomats by the Taliban in 1998, and which to this very day Iran has vowed to take revenge over.

Equally going virtually unnoticed by the American people is that almost immediately after taking office, President Obama ordered an attack on the Pashtun peoples of Pakistan, and which many Russian Military Analysts state can be compared to the American President Lyndon Johnson’s ordering of attacks against the North Vietnamese, and which saw the rise of American Forces in South Vietnam rise from 16,000 under President Kennedy to over 500,000 under Johnson.

Not to be unnoticed in either of these American wars, is that the number of US Military Forces, nor their vastly superior firepower and air superiority, are guarantees of success. Even worse, and a brutal lesson learned by the Soviets after their losing war against these Pashtun peoples, is that to this very day, no Nation on Earth has ever been defeated by the wholesale slaughter of their civilian population by aerial bombings. And, perhaps, there is not better example of this than Great Britain’s defiance against the German Nazi Empire of last century, and even though over 60,000 British civilians were killed in mass bombings, their Nation remained defiant and became the ultimate victors in that war.

To these latest events however, and as we had touched upon in our January 16th report “US Orders Iran And Turkey Attacks On Iraq Over Israeli Coup Plot”, the goals of the United States are now separating from Israel’s at a pace so astounding that many Russian Intelligence Analysts are openly stating that it is not inconceivable that the Israelis could unleash upon the Americans the catastrophic destructions of a number of their major cities in order to ‘take down’ the Obama government to prevent the soon to come US-Iranian Alliance.

Russian Intelligence Analysts, in fact, state that what could happen in the Untied States was exactly what has happened already when after President Bush began making overtures to Iran in early 2001, Israel’s Mossad ‘saturated’ the US with hundreds of saboteurs teams ordered to cause chaos and catastrophic destruction throughout America in order to plunge that Nation into total submission.

Of these Israeli saboteurs we can read:  

“According to government sources, and a 60-page Drug Enforcement Administration working document, now widely circulating among reporters in the U.S. and Europe, 125 Israeli "art students" were detained and deported between January 2000 and July 2001; another 80-100 Israelis have been similarly detained, interrogated, and deported, since the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001.

In one case, set forth in the DEA document, an Israeli "art student" was bailed out of jail by another Israeli, named Ophir Baer, who was an employee of Amdocs.

The proximity of the Israeli "art student" spy teams to some of the suspected al-Qaeda "sleeper" networks in the United States has prompted some American national security officials to suspect that Israel had infiltrated the Sept. 11 terror plot, at some level, and failed to pass on the information to U.S. authorities.

On the evening of Sept. 11, local police in Bergen County, New Jersey, arrested five Israeli nationals as they were driving a van, owned by their employer, a Weehawken, N.J. moving company called Urban Moving Systems.

The five Israelis, Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Moer Marmari, and Yaron Shmuel, had been spotted on the roof of the moving company warehouse, shortly after planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, taking photos of one another and obviously clowning around, while pointing at the burning towers in the background.

Perleman reported, "In addition to their strange behavior and their Middle Eastern looks, the suspicions were compounded when a box cutter and $4,000 in cash were found in the van. Moreover, one man carried two passports, and another had fresh pictures of the men standing with the smoldering wreckage of the World Trade Center in the background."

The five men were turned over to the FBI by the Bergen County police, and, after two of the men's names appeared on an FBI-CIA list of known Mossad operatives, the U.S. opened a foreign counterintelligence investigation of the incident. The Israelis were held for several months, interrogated and put through lie detector tests, and were eventually deported back to Israel.

After one brief interview with the FBI, the owner of the moving company, Dominik Otto Suter, fled to Israel. Authorities confirmed that the company was a Mossad front, whose "main office" was a letter drop address in midtown Manhattan.”

It is still not known if the Intelligence Authorities in the United States have recovered the 3-6 Israeli ‘suitcase’ nuclear weapons reported to be hidden in some of their largest cities and military bases, but if they have not, then their current rapprochement with Iran will, most assuredly, begin one of the most horrifying chapters in American history…and to which, and as always, the American people themselves remain totally unprepared for.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.] .

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico