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KEN WELCH: Update: While We Wait...Osama Speaks

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

From Ken-Welch.Com to:  All Lists


I had some doubts that Obama's masters would allow anything to spoil the inauguration itself.  But the delay in launching the false-flag attack on Israel is probably not going to stretch out much longer.  Obama has just met this afternoon with the Obama War Team (Surprise! It's the Bush War Team - all the same guys!) and I'm praying that there will be a statement of some kind that I can reverse.

Obama is being portrayed strongly today as a great peacemaker.  If the attack comes off soon, it will make the imaginary perpetrators seem like the enemies of all mankind.  Despite talk of leaving Iraq, though, today's meeting will be all about Gambit, The Show, and the invasion of Iran.

Will they do it, or will they chicken out?  Our documentation is getting so strong that I think it will take some guts for them to go ahead.

One thing you can be sure of about today's meeting.  Obama had to sign orders today as Commander In Chief that would allow the Admirals and Generals to show that they did not dream up and execute Gambit on their own.  Wouldn't help at a real war crimes trial, but these are all guys who believe in covering their asses any way they can.

I've just updated our report on the Armageddon Missile that has been poised for launch over Israel.  Material from the fake Bin Laden tape released last week is now included in the second section on this page:

ALL the tapes and videos depicting Al Qaeda leaders have been faked, including those that were produced prior to 9-11 to establish the Bin Laden legend before the actual event.

In this case, you can listen to a very unhappy Army psy-ops operator as he reads a speech in one language, but unconsciously reveals his actual thoughts in plain English.  As I dug deeper into this material, I discovered that he knew more about the Armageddon Missile than I thought he did.


Ken Welch
