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US Confirms To Russia Secret Pact With Iran

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Reports from Russia’s Foreign Ministry are confirming today that US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in an ‘unexpected’ phone call to Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, has detailed the outline of a new ‘secret pact’ between the United States and Iran.

Reports on the secret negotiations between the US and Iran were first reported by Israel’s DEBKAfile News Service and as we can read in their follow-up report titled  "High US official to attend nuclear talks with Iran, capping secret US-Tehran diplomacy", and which says:

"The announcement that US Under Secretary of State William Burns will join the meeting the European Union’s Javier Solana holds with Iranian nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili in Geneva this week makes official the secret diplomatic track afoot between Washington and Tehran, which was first disclosed by DEBKA-Net-Weekly on June 27.

Our US sources confirm that this step distances the Bush administration still further from Israel’s policy position, which calls for the curtailment of Iran’s drive for a nuclear bomb by all means, including military action. It leaves Jerusalem alone in the arena against Iran on the nuclear and other security issues, such as Hizballah, Syria and the radicalized Lebanese government."

Britain’s Independent News Service is further reporting on this fast breaking news that: "Moving to avoid war in Iran in the final months of his administration, George Bush has approved the highest-level American diplomatic contact with its ideological enemy since the humiliating US embassy hostage crisis of 1979.

Shifting from bellicose threats to diplomacy, Mr Bush is sending an envoy to talks this weekend aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions. The rapprochement includes plans by the US to post diplomats in Tehran for the first time since the Islamic revolution in the form of a US interests section – a move halfway to setting up an embassy – subject to approval by the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad."

Russian Military Analysts state in these reports that the US has been driven to rapprochement with the Iranians due to the escalating violence in Afghanistan, and which they believe, as do Western Analysts, that a nuclear armed Pakistan will soon join this conflict against US led NATO Forces.

So bad have relations plummeted between the US allies Pakistan and Afghanistan that Afghan President Hamid Karzai has openly accused Pakistan’s Intelligence Services of being responsible for terrorist attacks in his Nation, including the powerful bomb attack on India’s Embassy which killed 58.

Pakistani Tribal Elders have further raised the alarm that NATO Forces have begun massing on the Afghan-Pakistan border in preparations for launching an invasion against Pakistan militants and their government supported troops.

To the outcome of open conflict between NATO and Pakistani forces beginning, these reports continue, it cannot be ruled out that Pakistan will approve the use of tactical nuclear weapons against the Americans as they lack the air power and defenses to protect themselves against a full onslaught from these Western Forces.

Of the greatest significance, however, to these latest moves by the US on the chessboard of the World, in a modern day continuation of the “Great Game”, is a further confirmation that the Americans are in the midst of a rapid redeployment of forces which will see them leave the volatile Middle East to concentrate their military might against South America, and which we had previously reported on in our July 11th report “US Turns ‘War Sights’ Towards South American As Saudi Arabia-Mexican Oil Output Plummets”.

But, perhaps the greatest significance of all to all of these events, and the continued implosion of the US Economy, is that the American people themselves are now openly rejecting the capitalist system of government, and which under they have suffered more than any Nation in history as their vast power and wealth has been stolen from them by their very own government and corporate leaders who while these people continue suffering, these new ‘barons’ continue amassing wealth on a scale previously unknown in our modern times.

And too the greatest affront to the average American struggling to feed their families, the US Senate is reporting today, that unlike their fellow citizens, whom they have plundered beyond description, the richest of these ‘barons’ have been stockpiling their wealth in foreign banks to escape the taxes everyone of them should be paying to help their troubled Nation.   

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico