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A Military Blockade?

Darcy Scott Martin

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What would a blockade of Iran look like? The Bush administration sending American warships and military equipment into the most combustible region in the world. Their mission? Board and inspect cargo entering and leaving Iran by any means necessary.1 This would be a clear provocation and the first step on the path to all out war.

Unfortunately, that's exactly what Democrats who want to look tough on national security are demanding. Right now there is a resolution working its way through the House of Representatives which would require a naval blockade of Iran and bring us closer to war.1 This resolution already has 247 co-sponsors and it must be stopped.

    Tell your Representative to oppose the Ackerman Iran resolution:

For the past 10 months, we've been warning against the perils of starting yet another war in the Middle East. Together, we've sent thousands of messages to Congress demanding that Congress have to approve any military action and our Iran Mobile has traveled to events across the country to highlight how crazy it is to start another war. Still, our work is just beginning. Between now and November, we'll have ample opportunity to remind our legislators that there are other ways of being tough on national security than acting like George Bush Republicans.

We need an active policy of engagement and diplomacy, and there is absolutely no reason for Congress to even consider escalating the war of words with aggressive belligerent action.

Thanks for taking action,


Darcy Scott Martin Washington Director


No Blockade of Iran

Send a message to your representative and urge them to oppose Rep. Ackerman's proposed blockade of Iran.

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