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We Have Never Had This Much Momentum To Bring Our Troops Home

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On Monday, July 7th, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shocked the world by announcing that he shares an opinion with millions of Americans:

He believes that the time has come for the U.S. to set a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq.

This marks a major shift in policy for Maliki, who has long marched in lockstep with the Bush administration. The fallout from his statement has been major, too: A U.S.-Iraq negotiating team that has been working since January to settle the details of a long-term occupation has thrown in the towel. Why? According to one U.S. official, it's because "Iraqis want to know that foreign troops are not going to be here forever."1

Before, the negotiating team was working on endless war. Now, they're just trying to figure out a temporary stop-gap to give U.S. troops the authority to stay in Iraq after their UN backing expires on December 31st.

U.S. citizens don't want this war, and Iraqi citizens don't want it either. When

We don't yet know who our next president will be, but we do know that the tides have turned against this war here in America, around the world, and in Iraq, too. The time to act is now. As Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates has the ear of President Bush. Secretary Gates has the power to abide the will of the American and Iraqi people. The question is, will he use it?

Click here to sign a petition to tell Secretary Gates to set a real timetable to bring our troops home

After you sign the petition, please be sure to tell a few friends.

Kate Stayman-London, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

1. Washington Post article on scaled back negotiations.

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The Iraqi government wants us out.
Tell Secretary Gates to set a real timetable for withdrawal.