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STOP The "Iran War Resolution"

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While the speeches of the Presidential candidates received most of the media attention at this year's AIPAC Policy Conference, the focus was mostly on "taking action on Iran". When AIPAC urges action, that usually means military action.  So it is not surprising that it is urging Congress to effectively place a naval embargo on Iran. An act of war. A crime against peace.

This resolution demands that President Bush "initiate an international effort" to impose a land, sea, and air blockade on Iran to prevent it from importing gasoline and to inspect all cargo entering or leaving Iran. Such a blockade imposed without United Nations authority (which the resolution does not call for) would be seen as an act of war. Congressional sources say the House could vote on the resolution, H.Con.Res. 362 (see full resolution here), as early as next week (June 23-June 27). As of June 20, it already has 169 cosponsors in the House.  Current list of cosponsors here.  See bottom of page for latest status.

Congressional leaders seem to have assumed that there would be little opposition to this punitive measure against Iran, and they have put it on a fast track to passage. But due to the threat of war, many organizations and reasonable Members of Congress are working overtime to stop this bill.

Please join Stop AIPAC and go to the Just Foreign Policy website and tell your Representative to oppose this dangerous path that could lead directly to war with Iran. Go Now.  This may be the most important action alert of the year.  This is the centerpiece of AIPAC's current political action.  Can it be defeated?

From the Iran Nuclear Watch blogspot:

According to the House leadership, this resolution is going to “pass like a hot knife through butter” before the end of June on what is called suspension - meaning no amendments can be introduced during the 20-minute maximum debate. It also means it is assumed the bill will pass by a 2/3 majority and is non-controversial. As of June 18, the bill already has 169 co-sponsors. If and when the bill is voted on suspension, there will be a roll call vote and AIPAC will use how member’s voted on the resolution in the lead up to the elections.

Congress is taking the path to war and is rejecting a rational approach to nuclear weapons proliferation on this fragile planet. Off the agenda is ending once and for all nuclear weapons possession by all nations, as was the supposed intent of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).  Off the agenda is making the Middle East a nuclear-weapons free zone. Off the agenda is the fact that Israel itself is in possession of a massive nuclear arsenal, and that the US looks the other way. Indeed, if the US were to officially acknowledge Israel's stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, it would be required to end military aid to Israel or violate its own laws banning funding of states that proliferate nuclear weapons.

In short, what is being rejected is a realistic plan for humanity to survive and finally end the scourge of nuclear weapons. The use of military action to deter the possession of nuclear weapons (or using that as a pretext for military action, even if that is not the actual reason)  is the greatest incentive to possess nuclear weapons.  It leads only to a deadly spiral of violence.

How long will the US Congress continue down this insane path of promoting war?  How long will Congress listen to the war lobby, and instead listen to voices of reason?

 Status of H. Con Resolution 362 

H. Con. Res. 362: Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the threat posed to international...

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