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Shockfront: A War With Iran and the "Continuity of Government"


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What can one make of the disturbing trend lines developing on both the domestic and international fronts?  American political rhetoric surrounding Iran convinces us that the Bush administration is determined to launch a military strike against at least some, possibly many, targets in that country, while reports from the around the nation display an alarming bent toward gearing up for martial law.

The Big Lie has been so firmly cemented into Washington talk now, that the front runner in the Democratic nomination process, Barack Obama, plainly states, as a matter of fact, that "Iran is a grave threat," while John McCain harangues Obama for making the obvious claim that Iran is clearly not the threat the Soviet Union once was.  McCain enjoys deference in his position that Iran is as serious threat as the Soviet Union, instead of being laughed off the stage, a fate most appropriate for anyone making such absurd claims in the public sphere.  But no, this does not happen in Washington.  Despite evidence of either discomfiting paranoia or reckless pandering, McCain remains a legitimate voice of the Republican Party, which has built itself upon those very same core principles.  An all too familiar refrain is playing out in front of us once again, as most are simply too afraid to countermand such obvious nonsense.
Reports and leaks have repeatedly contended that the Pentagon and the White House are gunning up for war with Iran, so much so, that an air of inevitability has crept into almost everyone's mind.  Targets have been selected, carrier groups deployed, attack plans have been approved.  All that seems to remain a final casus belli.  Even Israeli Army Radio reports that Bush is determined to strike Iran before the end of his term. Though as is usual for a Murdoch rag, The Jerusalem Post seems to be rather excited about the prospect.
Army Radio had quoted a top official in Jerusalem claiming that a senior member in the entourage of President Bush, who concluded a trip to Israel last week, had said in a closed meeting here that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were of the opinion that military action against Iran was called for.

The official reportedly went on to say that "the hesitancy of Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice" was preventing the administration from deciding to launch such an attack on the Islamic Republic for the time being.The Army Radio report, which was quoted by The Jerusalem Post and resonated widely, stated that according to assessments in Israel, the recent turmoil in Lebanon, where Hizbullah has de facto established control of the country, was advancing an American attack.

Bush, the official reportedly said, considered Hizbullah's show of strength to constitute evidence of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's growing influence. In Bush's view, the official said, "the disease must be treated - not its symptoms."

Despite White House denials, no one appears to doubt that an attack is waiting in the West Wing.
Domestically, numerous reports indicate a nationwide escalation of Homeland Security operations, all of which follows the award two years ago, of a $385 million contract to KBR to build a network of "temporary" detention centers around the country.  These detention centers are meant to house people in the event of a natural disaster or, perhaps more tellingly, "for new programs that require additional detention space."  
Only recently, "Operation Sudden Impact" established joint exercises of 50 law enforcement agencies in three states, Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, which one sheriff's deputy described as "martial law training."   Crime abatement was the official title, and the operation resulted in 332 arrests, while stores and other businesses were raided in order to "track down possible terrorists before something big happens."  During the terrorist "crackdown," officers also managed to boost revenue by handing out 1292 traffic violations.
This operation was only one of many that have taken place in recent months, however, as immigration raids have swept the country.  Massive operations have descended upon various businesses in New Jersey, California, Texas, Florida, and, in what was described as the largest raid in the state's history, hundreds were recently arrested in Iowa. Notably, the businesses employing these people have usually escaped charges, while those arrested were corralled at the National Cattle Congress fairgrounds, where they would be "processed," an unfortunate choice of terms, to say the least.
Subsequent to this massive effort, a "public health drill" in Chicago, mandated and funded by the Department of Homeland Security to the tune of $80,000, was designed primarily to allow authorities to "practice processing citizens" in the event of a bioterrorism event.  Apparently, the episode was a bust, with fewer than 300 people of a desired several thousand making an appearance.  County officials there seemed flustered and perplexed that more residents didn't take up the generous offer to be shuffled around by Homeland Security goons, stand in line all day long and pretend to suffer the ill effects of biowarfare.
Police forces around the country have been armoring up their troops with heavy weaponry.  While city police forces in Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago are already well endowed with some serious firepower, Washington DC has recently sought to armor-up their own shock troops with assault rifles,  citing the usual claim that the criminals have "increasingly powerful weapons."
Given what we know about the Bush administration and its attitude toward American citizens -- their blithe contempt for any and all unfortunate souls caught either in their imperial wars or in the path of natural disasters -- it becomes obvious that the point of this grow rash of raids and exercises is not to better protect Americans.  Indeed, this and other administrations have repeatedly unleashed untold toxins and pestilence upon their fellow citizens.  No, public health is not the overriding concern.  In fact, this is not the concern at all.  The salient point of these and all such exercises is to inure the public to all such raids and to enhance the bureaucracy's ability to "process" those detained.
And then there is The List.
You may not think that there are 8 million terrorists in the United States.  But rest be not assured, the Bush administration does,  though their idea of what constitutes a "terrorist" is likely significantly different from what most people might think.
Over the course of several years now, the federal government has composed a list of some 8 million names, targeted or thought to be the target of any potential federal round-up in the event of a national emergency, all in order to assure what the White House has labelled the "continuity of Government," or COG.  There are two related Presidential Security Directives dating from May 9, 2007, NSPD-51 and HSPD-20, that declare, by fiat, unilateral authority of the Executive in the event of a "Catastrophic Emergency" in order to "enhance the credibility of our national security posture."  Generalized White House gibberish, really, but the direction and tone of the declaration are unmistakable.
Otherwise now known as Main Core, the list -- database -- has been compiled mostly through the NSA warrantless surveillance program, which, despite its obvious illegality, continues to this day.

There exists a database of Americans, who, often for the slightest and most trivial reason, are considered unfriendly, and who, in a time of panic, might be incarcerated. The database can identify and locate perceived 'enemies of the state' almost instantaneously.

One knowledgeable source claims that 8 million Americans are now listed in Main Core as potentially suspect. In the event of a national emergency, these people could be subject to everything from heightened surveillance and tracking to direct questioning and possibly even detention.

Main Core is the table of contents for all the illegal information that the U.S. government has [compiled] on specific targets.

Of course, megalomaniacs throughout history all have had their own lists. And the worst part of that realization is that these historical figures have often used their own lists to great effect, targeting enemies and dispatching them with fervor.

What all or any of this means is obviously unknown to anyone outside the confines of the innermost circles of White House hell. In fact, one can certainly sound insanely paranoid discussing any of it, which is often an advantage to those toward whom paranoia ought to be vigorously directed, such as this particular administration. There is no doubt that ominous signs are everywhere; not only does the Bush administration badly want to launch an attack on Iran, they may use these other openly declared powers to assure a "continuity of government" once the severe war everyone predicts will break out, breaks out. Thusly assured of continuity, the government that is continued won't be yours. It will be theirs.

It all sounds completely mad, I know. But ask yourself this: what bounds of behaviour, what restriction of action, have we ever seen the Bush administration observe? Posted in Real News by Anderson at 4:10 PM