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Putin Orders Georgia Invasion On US Iran Attack

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that President Putin has ordered a ‘full scale invasion’ of the Georgian breakaway republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia to begin upon the believed to be imminent attack upon Iran by the United States.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has, likewise, notified the European Union that “a bridgehead is being prepared for the start of military operations against Abkhazia", which in response too the EU has expressed ‘alarm’.

These reports state that President Putin has determined that only Russia can thwart the West’s plan for the reconfiguration of the entire Middle East as they have previously done on the European Continent with the destruction of Yugoslavia and its being separated into warring religious based feudal states. [Note: China has been neutralized by the presence of 3 US aircraft carrier groups stationed off their shores.]

Even worse, these reports continue saying, is President Putin’s ‘rage’ at the West’s unilateral recognition of the Serbian breakaway province of Kosovo as an independent state, and which he has labeled as ‘unacceptable’.

Putin has also dispatched Secretary Valentin Sobolev of Russia's National Security Council, to the Iranian Nation to coordinate Russia’s military response to the coming attacks by the US.

The United States, however, does not appear to be backing down on its plans to attack Iran as their Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, has ordered another US Navy aircraft carrier group into the Persian Gulf for what he states is a ‘reminder’ to the Iranians of American military power.

Both Iran and Syria have further been accused by the United States of attempting to ‘destabilize’ Iraq, which is one of the Americans most ludicrous charges as since their invasion they have reduced one of the Middle East’s most modern Nations into dust and rubble, along with killing hundreds of thousands of its citizens and reducing millions more of them to refugees status.

Russian Economic Experts, though, point out in these reports that since Mexico, the top importer of oil to the US, has stated that their oil reserves will run out before the end of this decade, and that the Mexican’s remain one of the only Nations left accepting US dollars for payments, without the captured oil fields of both Iraq and Iran, the United States will cease to exist as a World Power. [Note: Iran has just announced total removal of US dollar for oil transactions.]

To the American people themselves accepting their War Leaders rapid plunge towards Total War there appears to be virtually no resistance among the mass of them.  But, for the very few of them who would dare to voice their opposition, these reports say, the United States has expanded their number of concentration camps to hold over 1 million human beings.

At this current time these concentration camps are being utilized by the American War Leaders and are holding over 300,000 illegal immigrant men, women and children, but which new reports are stating that the medical services in this US gulag have ‘completely broken down’. 

Even more shocking for these Americans are the recent moves by their War Leaders to acclimate them to the shocking images of children being ripped from their mothers as was done during a raid on a Texas religious cult, a move that appears to be cut from the very pages of the Nazi handbook for cowering a Nations citizens to accept total control by their sadistic overlords.

And, as the price of oil continues to rise, as food prices soar beyond the means of their ability to pay for it, as millions of them continue losing their jobs and homes, as their lawmakers and corporate heads continue making billions, as their access to healthcare is being further eliminated, as their schools now produce the World’s most ignorant students, and so, so much more, one can only stand in utter confusion as to what has happened to these once great people as Total War nears their very homes.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico