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Countdown to War in Iraq Begins This Week!

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aeus will testify before Congress laying out the pretext for war with Iran. McCain will support him and Obama and Clinton will have to acquiesce or make a political stand to protect their base. Cheney has already briefed the region, Admiral Fallon has been relieved and three Navy carrier attack groups are on station, ready and awaiting Bush's orders ~ it's the final countdown and Congress will not stop Bush: Allen L Roland

Bush's war on Iraq is about to become Bush's preemptive attack on Iran and all the pieces are in place. It's the perfect storm ! Let me summarize the six leading indicators ~

1. General Petraeus' return promises high political drama in Washington.

Petraeus' appearance this week also could place the Democratic presidential candidates in a position much like Bush's was with Admiral Fallon. Testifying before them will be a battlefield general with whom they disagree. Clinton is on the armed services panel, Obama on foreign relations  and, of course, John McCain will fully support Patraeus's pretext for War with Iran

 2.  Iran to disclose new nuke 'achievements'
Iran is to disclose new achievements in its nuclear programme on Tuesday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said in a press briefing in Tehran ~ thus intensifying the neocon war drums of FEAR. 
 3.  Bush to speak about Iraq on Thursday: CNN 
President George W. Bush plans to address the nation on Thursday morning about the Iraq war, CNN reported on Sunday.  Bush will obviously  echo Patraeus's concerns about Iran and the need for action.

 4.  Iran to OPEC: Stop Oil Sales in Dollars:
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is urging OPEC members to form a joint bank and stop pricing oil trades in U.S. dollars.  This is precisely what Iraq threatened before we attacked them. Remember, this illegal War and occupation was and has always been about OIL and as Tony Blair often said     ' protecting our way of life.'

 5.  War games prelude to something big? 
Israeli Minister of Defence Ehud Barak announced on Sunday that Israel started the biggest military and civil drills in its history, that would include unconventional weapons, in what military analysts believe is a prelude for something "big". 

6.  Bush desperately needs a distraction from a failing Surge and a deep recession.
Bush is determined to escape any failure on his watch and pass on his debacles on Iraq and the economy to the Democrats next year. Attacking Iran is the perfect diversion and he can once again play his favorite role ~ Commander in Chief.
The stage is set ~ this is definiely build up week for attacking Iran. Once again, General Patraeus will testify before Congress laying out the pretext for war with Iran. McCain will support him and Obama and Clinton will have to acquiesce or make a political stand to protect their base. Cheney has already briefed the region, Admiral Fallon has been relieved and three Navy carrier attack groups are on station, ready and awaiting Bush's orders ~ it's the final countdown and Congress will not stop Bush. 

Try calling your congressional representatives and asking them what they intend to do to stop this madness or, better yet, call Obama's Senate office. Be polite, be clear, and be brief. Let them know how you feel about the growing prospect of war with Iran, and tell them it's time for Obama to speak out loud and clear: (202) 224-2854. 

The price of apathy is fascism ~ and we may already be there.

Allen L Roland

Freelance Online columnist and recognized therapist Allen L Roland is available for comments, interviews, speaking engagements and private consultations consultations ~( )

Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on