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Portrait of America's Immediate Future

World Changer

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l. No food will move or be produced. Water feed pipelines will be hit. Gas lines also hit.

No food and no soup lines. Welfare and social security is cut off and is worthless anyhow. Rail lines hit on bridges when trains cross. Tunnels hit with b--bs.No news, no internet. Screams in pitch black night. Blacks start killing and looting. Plasma TVs won't work. Liquor and gun stores hit. Cities burn if they are still standing.Atomic blast in center of US emits EMF and fries all electroni not shielded. Cell phones dead.

Containers in ports rigged with nukes and satellite receivers and for that matter cargo containers anywhere that have sat in vacant buildings in the middle of cites for years blow. Others spew out anthrax and smallpox/ebola genetic airborne combos.Asymmetrical they call it. Sleepers now in place. Allah Akbar and goodbye white man.

Then the food riots break out. No food left. People snatch babies to cook.People who bought gold and silver suddenly realize they cannot buy food that nobody wants to sell.Cannibalism gets started in earnest. Have salt. People taste like chicken.

You suddenly puke up black pus and shit bloody turds and see you skin start to peel off.Then you realize it is daytime and you can't see because you are blind.You trip over something and break your leg and nobody comes to help you. Then dogs start eating you alive.You said Depression?

Movie bonus:

Iran and Syria wilbe invaded
