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The Shock and Awe of Bombing Iran: The Bush-Cheney Grand Finale of Destruction

Mark Karlin - Buzzflash Editor

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In case you missed it last week, Admiral William Fallon resigned as head of Central Command (CENTCOM), the US military headquarters for the Middle East and Central Asia. He was the commanding officer overseeing General David H. Petraeus, the top American Army commander in Iraq, and the Bush/Cheney political general who carries out their policies.

Fallon's resignation was really a euphemism for getting fired. It was widely reported that Fallon felt that bombing Iran would threaten the stability of our military forces, and had some disagreement over the current Iraq policy.

The Democrats and Republicans in Congress had let Bush get away with the con game of claiming to "listen to the professionals, the military commanders on the ground," as he undertook and continued the Band-Aid of the "surge." But Bush and Cheney have been adept at pushing aside any dissenters in the Pentagon who question the viability of their obsession to militarily dominate the Middle East through war. Petraeus has been their key "embed," who ensures that we will use military force indefinitely to control the oil rich Middle East.

Of course, the complicated issue of terrorism that might threaten the United States is getting little attention, because the Cheney/Bush-created chaos in the Middle East had distracted the nation's military and intelligence services from dealing with the potential fundamentalists who really threaten U.S. interests outside of Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.


The immediate cause for Fallon's sudden "resignation" was a magazine article in which he aired his differences with the Bush/Cheney policies in the Middle East, particularly the issue of potentially bombing Iran. It was printed in Esquire and was titled “The Man Between War and Peace.” The article began, “If, in the dying light of the Bush Administration, we go to war with Iran, it’ll all come down to one man. If we do not go to war with Iran, it’ll come down to the same man. He is that rarest of creatures in the Bush universe: the good cop on Iran, and a man of strategic brilliance. His name is William Fallon."

Amidst the passionate and contentious Democratic primary, all of us may have taken our eyes off the pending possibility that Bush and Cheney kicked Fallon aside to replace him with a politically-malleable military leader who will go along with nuking Iran.

That may be the final shock and awe that this monstrous administration will leave us with before they exit stage right.

Such an action -- dropping nukes on Iran -- may lead to a conflagration that will finally satisfy the End Times prayers of John Hagee and Tim LaHaye.

God help us all.

While we are distracted by the Democratic Party nomination battle, Bush and Cheney appear to be getting ready for a fireworks show that may just set the world on fire.