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Bush Sets Up 'Gulf of Tonkin' Incident With Iran

Mitch Battros

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artment of Defense (DoD) claim five naval vessels belonging to Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) provoked three U.S. Navy ships near the Strait of Hormuz on January 5th. Why this incident was not reported until today (Jan. 7) is unknown.

According to military officials, two U.S. Navy destroyers and one frigate were heading into the Persian Gulf through the international waters of the Strait of Hormuz when five armed IRGC "fast boats" approached them at high speed, darting in and out of the formation. The US government states "one of the Iranian boats radioed a message, saying --- "You are going to blow up within minutes."

No confirmation from any other source has been made. The allegation is based on a "US government" report only.

The U.S. ships responded by going into defensive mode and relaying the standard warnings to steer clear. The incident ended without any exchange of fire. This was just days before U.S. President George W. Bush's planned Jan. 8 departure for a tour of the Middle East, with the express goal of limiting Iranian influence.

Polls show 80% of American's do not trust the Bush regime. It has now been reported some high level Congressmen and Senators are setting up to seek a "Bush Impeachment." No one denies Bush's desire to provoke or maintain war with Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. The only support the Bush regime receives by the majority of American's is military action with Afghanistan.

This "incident" has all the markings of yet another CIA covert operation. This exact same method was used to allow then President Lyndon Baines Johnson to bomb Vietnam. This event is known as: "Gulf of Tonkin Incident".


Gulf of Tonkin Incident

For years, the U.S. government asserted that America had done nothing to provoke a naval engagement in the Tonkin Gulf. In fact, the Johnson administration argued that it acted with restraint by refusing to respond to the first attack on Aug. 2, 1964, and retaliated only after North Vietnam made a second attack two days later.

But recent research, based among other things on declassified signal intercepts as well as personal recollections, suggests that the second attack probably didn't take place and that the first was provoked by covert U.S. action against North Vietnam.

The full article linked here is one of the best I've ever seen. It clearly shows the CIA playbook which occurred in Vietnam, and almost to a tee, now with Iran, Pakistan and others. Full Article: CLICK HERE

President Johnson Transcripts via audio tapes:
