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The ZOG War Against Iran

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the most blatant example of a war initiated, planned, and publicized, by jews around the world. The fact that jewish warmongers are able to put lies about iran at the top of the global political agenda, whilst neglecting to mention the truths about the jews-only state in palestine e.g. its possession of nuclear weapons, its refusal to sign the npt, and the racist apartheid nature of the jews-only state, exemplifies in the starkest possible terms the reality of zionist world domination. The conclusion cannot be avoided: jews are the world's master race forcing the world to do their bidding even if it means harming the interests of the rest of the world.

IN PALESTINE Arieh Eldad and Yoseph Lapid. "Last week three members of the Israeli Knesset issued a terse warning that an attack on Iran may be imminent. Arieh Eldad, a member of the right-wing National Union Party said ominously, "Iran will not be deterred by anything but force." Yoseph Lapid, head of the Shinui Party echoed Eldad's sentiments saying, "We feel we are obliged to warn our friends that Israel should not be pushed into a situation where we see no other solution but to act unilaterally." The appearance of three Israeli politicians dispatched to Washington to reiterate the same message can only mean trouble." (Mike Whitney 'Edging Towards Disaster with Iran' October 9th 2005).

Israeli Military Intelligence Chief, Ahron Zoevi Farkash. "In early December, Ahron Zoevi Farkash, the Israeli military intelligence chief told the Israeli parliament (Knesset) that "if by the end of March, the international community is unable to refer the Iranian issue to the United Nations Security Council, then we can say that the international effort has run its course."" (James Petras 'Israel's War Deadline: Iran in the Crosshairs' December 24/25, 2005).

Israeli Military Chief of Staff, Daniel Halutz. "On Dec. 5, Israel's military chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz, told foreign journalists in Tel Aviv that he believed diplomacy had reached a dead end. "The fact that the Iranians are successful time after time in getting away from international pressure ... encourages them to continue their nuclear project," Gen. Halutz said. "I believe that the political means that are used by the Europeans and the U.S. to convince the Iranians to stop the project will not succeed." When asked by one reporter how far Israel was ready to go to stop Iran's nuclear projects, Halutz quipped, "2000 kilometers." That's the equivalent of 1,250 miles, the distance by air between Israel and Iran's main nuclear and missile sites." (Kenneth R. Timmerman 'Within Range' January 5, 2006). See also, "When the Israeli Military Chief of Staff, Daniel Halutz, was asked how far Israel was ready to go to stop Iran's nuclear energy program, he said "Two thousand kilometers" - the distance of an air assault." (James Petras 'Israel's War Deadline: Iran in the Crosshairs' December 24/25, 2005).

Israeli Minister of Defense, Shaul Mofaz. "On December 9, Israeli Minister of Defense, Shaul Mofaz, affirmed that in view of Teheran's nuclear plans, Tel Aviv should "not count on diplomatic negotiations but prepare other solutions"." (James Petras 'Israel's War Deadline: Iran in the Crosshairs' December 24/25, 2005).
