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American in Afghanistan Sees Great Cause For Optimism

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Fully 30% were women, few of whom were covered by traditional veils. Thousands of families came. There was music--loud and boisterous at times, and modern. Teens clapped wildly and tried to reach the stage. There was dancing and singing. A children's circus performed, boys and girls together. Huge amounts of food and cold drinks were consumed. Ice cream was everywhere. Kids squealed with delight. Local TV and radio captured every minute. The spirit present had been unfelt for two generations. It was simply fun. Afghanistan was happy those two days. Somehow it became a joyous national breakout party.

National Pride

Business happened too. "We sold every piece of equipment we brought and made connections for additional work." said one of 180 exhibitors. Potential investors found opportunities: "It was great for business in Afghanistan" observed one. Farmers from all over the country witnessed demonstrations of new and better practices and of modern equipment. One of the farmers said of the fair: "It is as if a blind man enters and gets his sight." Giant tractors performed. Efficient irrigation was shown, products and processing displayed, services advertised, connections made, clients identified, buying and selling done, markets found.

Afghanistan also was proud these two days. "I haven't seen a fair like this before. I feel happy as I walk and see Afhgan products. Next time I will have a display myself," said a local businessman.

And as anywhere else, commercial interests followed potential business. Fair sponsors included Coca-Cola, Afghan Wireless, Kabul Bank, Crystal Water, Alokozay Tea, two leading hotels, and the most popular Afghan television network.

Doing the impossible

Stunning is an apt description of what took place here two weeks ago. Remember, this is the Afghanistan that was nearly annihilated by 35 years of bitter, bloody, cruel warfare.

But there is more. The fair itself was conceived, planned, built, and implemented in less than three months. To do this in any country would have been a major challenge. In Afghanistan it should have been impossible. But it happened, and it now serves to demonstrate that important things can be done here and can be done quickly. This is already changing perceptions and helping to change a pervasive fatalistic view of the future. Change can be made here. We just saw it happen.

Already demand has surfaced for events like this fair in other parts of the country. And now that the ground has been broken, that will happen. A new confidence and optimism emanated from this fair along with commercial and business transactions. Large public, productive, and pleasant events can take place in Afghanistan without stifling precautions and overbearing concerns for safety--we now have demonstrated that. One farmer observed: "Security is not the problem in Afghanistan, the economy is." Surprisingly, the fair proved to be a long stride toward social reform as well as an impact on agriculture development. At this time and in this country, that perhaps is the most enduring by-product of this remarkable event.

Most unnerving to the security agencies here but to the delight of the population, the fair was launched the night before by a fireworks display in the hills above the city. Imagine--in this of all countries! Bombs, rockets, explosions, and fire all aimed at pleasure and not at people. The symbolism of this for the citizens of this capital was breathtaking.

Ignored by U.S. Media

But, unless you had read this article, you would know nothinig about these singular events. Yet they are more significant than a roadside explosion or a suicide bomber or a lunatic beheading some perceived enemy. Those depravities take place infrequently and among seriously disturbed tail-enders still mired in the 13th century. The facts of and the dynamics around this event puts a more accurate face on the new Afghanistan.

The fact that events of such magnitude and meaning are less interesting to our media than death, destruction and despair means that Americans never will understand fully what is happening in Afghanistan, the potential existing here and the progress being made every day. The successful occurence of this massive agriculture fair and its continuing impact is a remarkable story of change in Afghanistan. But Americans are unlikely to hear it since it won't sell advertising time. At least you heard it here. This article was written by an American economic development expert living and working in Afghanistan. Carried in Human Events, week of May 7, 2007.