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Mossad Canard Warmed Over

By Arnaud de Borchgrave

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an interview with United Press International, Chief Minister Akram Khan Durrani, who heads his province's ruling coalition of six politico religious parties, said he agreed with a colleague in the government of Baluchistan who had blamed 9/11 on an Israeli conspiracy.

"It is inconceivable that a power like the United States, which has enormous technological means at its disposal, would not know ahead of time what was being planned," Durrani said, adding, "There must have been some local people in America who were involved in the planning and execution" who "used zealots (who) did not act on their own."

Hafiz Husain Ahmed Sharodi, a turbaned religious scholar who is the provincial Information Minister in Baluchistan, where the religious alliance shares power but still dominates the political landscape, said last week 9/11 was "a conspiracy by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad to start a war between Muslims and Christians." Durrani said he did not disagree with his Baluchi colleague.

The canard that Mossad and the CIA plotted the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon is widely believed in the Muslim world. Even well educated Pakistani fundamentalists repeat as fact the preposterous allegation that all the Jews working in the Twin Towers were instructed to stay away from work.

The first prominent Pakistani to suggest a Mossad-CIA plot was retired Gen. Hamid Gul, a former head of the country's Inter-Services Intelligence agency. Within 10 days of 9/11, Gul, who acts as "strategic adviser" to the religious alliance, told this reporter "the U.S. Air Force was also involved."

For the past two weeks, Gul has been touring towns and villages in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghan border. At the request of the United States, and for the first time since independence half a century ago, Pakistani troops have entered FATA to track down resurgent Taliban and al-Qaida fighters who stage hit-and-run guerrilla attacks in Afghanistan.

Durrani has slowly been establishing the sharia as the Islamic law of the NWFP province, which shares a long border with Afghanistan. A public opinion survey taken in NWFP in December 2001 indicated that over 80 percent male adults in the province believed Osama Bin Laden was a "freedom fighter," not a "terrorist."

Nine out of Taliban's top 10 leaders were "educated" at the "University for the Education of Truth," a large madrassa (Koranic school) near Peshawar. This madrassa is directed by Sami ul-Haq, a prominent member of the ruling religious coalition.

Ranking former Taliban officials have long considered Peshawar and Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan, as their second home. Durrani said the original talibs (students) of the Taliban movement never numbered more than 1,000.

Asked if Taliban was staging a comeback in Afghanistan, Durrani said, "America wanted to be the sole superpower and the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan was the sine qua non of its quest. Then came Taliban in the vacuum that followed the Soviet withdrawal. Taliban are not just students from madrassas. They are the same jihadis (holy warriors) who chased the Russians out. Many came from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries to fight against the Russian invader. But when they tried to go home, they were treated as criminals and terrorists. Some were barred from returning home and others were sentenced to death or life imprisonment. So they returned to the region where they knew they would be welcome."

Asked if he was suggesting that Taliban are for the most part foreigners, Durrani said, "in the literal sense (they) were no more than 1,000 at the outset. Later Taliban came to symbolize the entire Afghan nation. You might ask where did Osama Bin Laden come from? Who brought him back to Afghanistan after Sudan asked him to leave? The United States didn't seem too concerned about him in 1996 when he decided to go to Afghanistan. Later America was not interested in a negotiated solution. Imagine what the United States could have done if it had devoted the money it spent on bombing Afghanistan -- about $8 billion according to published reports -- to the reconstruction of the country after two decades of warfare. That would have been statesmanship of the highest order. Instead, you have chosen war and occupation and now you are faced with an increasingly hostile population."

The Pakistani daily newspaper Nawa-e-Waqt carries a picture of Osama Bin Laden every day on page three. Last week, it carried an "exclusive" story datelined Baghdad that said 4,000 young Iraqi women had been raped by American soldiers. Asked if he believed such a story, Durrani said, "it's an excellent paper. The U.S. government knows how to cover up these things. Your eyes are shut to so many things. Look at what is happening in Guantanamo, which has been publicized by human rights organizations. Afghan prisoners of war were caged like dangerous animals. This, too, was covered up for a long time. Your reason for attacking Iraq was weapons of mass destruction that did not exist. It is now obvious that the Bush government's objective was Iraq's oil resources that will now be under American control."

Durrani firmly rejected the accusation that the NWFP's ruling coalition comprises Taliban-like religious zealots. "We are true democrats," he responded, "witness the way we conduct our policies in NWFP, in sharp contrast to the military dictatorship at the center. We also advocate peace with India over Kashmir; again witness the recent journey to New Delhi by one of our three top leaders with an offering of peace. As a result, India has responded with 12 confidence-building measures. The Holy (Koran) book teaches us peace, love and cooperation."

News reports recently said the coalition workers had attacked movie theaters and torn down billboards while police stood idly by. "That is not our policy," said Durrani. "We are not closing down movie theaters. But a few emotional zealots, acting on their own, did tear down some salacious billboards. And the police who did not interfere were suspended. We apologized on the floor of our provincial assembly and compensation was voted for damage done. We also eliminated discrimination between the coalition assembly members who were getting five million rupees ($83,300) and the others who were getting one million rupees ($16,600). And the women who were all at one million regardless of party affiliation are now also at five million. We have promoted female education and female sports. So Taliban is definitely not our cup of tea."

Asked what he thought of President Pervez Musharraf's pro-American policies, Durrani said, "The people of Europe are against America's Iraqi policy and the American people are also beginning to turn against the Bush government's policies now that they realize WMDs were a hoax. That is why we (the coalition) demand that Musharraf doff his uniform and compete as a civilian politician. That would bring about an end to the military dictatorship."

The Chief Minister rejected charges that coalition was trying to hasten the establishment of the sharia in NWFP. "We are leaning over backward to avoid being accused of anything that might be seen as rash," he said. "First we explain in detail to the people what we have in mind to make sure they agree to the content and then we debate it in the provincial assembly where the coalition has a majority, but where all other parties can express themselves freely too."

Durrani concluded the interview by saying that a world with one superpower "is very dangerous. There is no counterweight. Things were less dangerous during the Cold War when we had two superpowers. The same applies in a village that only has one elder. He could take unwise decisions with no countervailing force. A village is much safer with two elders. So was the world."


Let's assume that it WAS a smaller plane that hit the Pentagon. Why?

And we come back to the idea that it is extremely likely that a plane that had onboard smart missile guidance system that can literally turn corners and hit the target with such precision that it is amazing was used.

And we consider this carefully and the only answer that presents itself as obvious is that of the necessity for precision.

And that leads us directly to the question of why such precision might be necessary?

The question can only be answered logically by assuming PRECISION was

the major concern in the strike on the pentagon.

And theorizing that precision was a major concern - precision of the type that can hit an exact window on a designated floor and do an exact and designated amount of damage - we realize that LIMITING the damage to a specific and pre-designated area was the major concern.

And if that was the major concern, then we arrive at the idea thatsuch precision and limitation was essential for some reason.

And the only reason that we can come to is that they wanted to hit the Pentagon for the emotional impact. Which leads to the idea that the emotional response of the public to the "poor people in the pentagon" was desirable. But since this emotional impact was achieved with such precision and control suggests to us that it was also an

ALIBI. In short, the safety of CERTAIN occupants of the building was a concern. Which leads to the idea that those certain occupants of the building...

We notice that Newsweek coyly mentions that "On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns."

Did you have a look at the list of casualties in the pentagon itself? Where were all the bigwigs in the building???? What about those guys who canceled their travel plans and who were very likely IN THE BUILDING at the time? If what we have theorized is true, it's not likely that they canceled their travel plans because they might get on the wrong jet. I would be very interested to know who those guys were.

IF we are dealing with a conspiracy - as has been suggested by many people - designed to generate the emotional response from the masses of Americans so as to facilitate the imposition of a One World Government - which is what IS happening, by the way - then it is very likely that a number of the conspirators were IN THE PENTAGON AT THE TIME IT WAS HIT.

You can be assured that hitting the pentagon would very likely be seen as essential to divert attention AWAY from individuals within our own military organizations as possible conspirators. Once you have a good handle on the disinformation and COINTELPRO machines, you will understand why a strike against the pentagon was important not only for the ALIBI, but for the EMOTIONAL IMPACT on the public. After all, if the buildings that represent not only our status in the world, but also our ability to maintain that status - i.e. our military organization - are hit by terrorists, then the emotional reaction of the people will naturally be that we not only have a right to strike back with all our power, but also that we MUST. They will also not look at the possibility of a "home conspiracy" because, after all, the Pentagon WAS a target, right?!

Full article at:



was the work of Pentagon insiders Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Meyer, Perle, Kissinger, Gingrich and Vice President Richard Cheney. The proof is the evidence in the attack on the Pentagon available right here:


Attacks in Iraq Intensify

The Guardian | The Pentagon's Pope

Minneapolis Star Tribune | Colin Powell Let the Nation Down

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Daily Telegram | White House Must Cooperate with 9/11 Panel

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Paul Krugman | A Willful Ignorance

William Rivers Pitt | The Ramadan Offensive

Baghdad in Chaos after Wave of Bombings

Sept. 11 Victims' Chronicle of Loss May Go Unheard

Powell: 'Iraq Resistance Greater Than White House Expected'

NewsWeek | The $87 Billion Money Pit

California Wildfires Cut Swath of Destruction

Investigators: 'Hussein Had No Nuclear Program'

EPA Official Lied About Dangers of New Pollution Policies

Bob Herbert | There's a Catch: Jobs

LaRouche: Philadelphia Voters Must Say 'NO' To Ashcroft's Fascism


Education: End to Mother of All Wars

It seems that the two recent wars were planned in order to secure the oil and the resources of the Middle East. However it appears from media sources too numerous to mention here, that despite the official ending of the wars there is still violence on all sides, with many deaths and little or no reconstruction in either Afghanistan or Iraq.

If what appears to be going on in Afghanistan (coalition and natives subjected to murder, terror and great inconvenience, lack of infrastructure, confusion of delegated leadership and the absence of effective law and order, to a name just a few) is an indication of what will happen to post-war Iraq, this mess looks like continuing into the foreseeable future.

It is clearly time for a different approach. Here is a suggestion, which may not be as unthinkable as it might first appear.

A lot of affirmation has gone on since the beginning of the coalition war on terror, the Afghan war and spilling over into the war on Iraq, regarding the insistence that none of these wars are against the Muslims in the West or elsewhere. President Bush and Prime Minister Blair have stressed that this is not a war on Islam. One way of proving this is for the leader of the wars to become a Muslim, and declare himself 'Amir' of Iraq. That way, any Islamic opposition to the victorious coalition would be stilled, no further call of resistance could occur against the new 'Muslim' conqueror, and there would be no 'excuse' for a military jihad for the sake of self- defence of the patriotic people within Iraq. There would be no reason for occupying forces, or indeed anyone, anywhere, to fear Muslim 'revenge' or Islamic military insurgence.

The war leaders, therefore, would do well to consider accepting Islam. This would give them the legitimate right to rule and control all the oil and gas reserves and facilities without opposition, and it is not a big demand to say "la ilaha ilallah Muhammad Rasulullah" (there is only one God to be worshipped and Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad are all messengers of the Divine.) It costs not a single cent, nor a shiny new penny. It also makes things easier for the Christians in that Jesus is going to come back to establish God's rule on earth and do justice here, as the Muslims are already waiting for this. If the war leaders make the compromise of accepting Islam, this one gesture would dispel all hostilities between Islam and the West.

One can envision, knowing the warmth, and easily forgiving nature of the Iraqi people, that although their physical pain and loss from the war could never be recompensed, a lot of the psychological and emotionally traumatic pain which accompanied it, might be calmed by the embracing balm of an overt effort to understand and respect them and their religion and way of life- and a culture, we must not forget, which extends way back into the cradle of time. Despite recent untoward publicity from certain quarters, these are not an uncivilised people, and as everyone who knows an Iraqi will tell you, each one has a humanity twinned with welcome if you knock first and wait to be invited before entering.

Additionally, bearing in mind that the twin excuses for going to war with Iraq, namely that Iraq had WMDs and the plan and capability to use them at near lightning speed, and that they were dealing with anti-US terrorist entities, fell flat when examined in the revealing light of day, becoming the new Muslim governor would go far to winning hearts and minds all round.

This 'conqueror-becoming-Muslim pattern' indeed is not new. When the Mongols came to sack Baghdad, long before the U.S. was a twinkle in the Founding Fathers' eyes, they treated the place and the people with savage disrespect, using mosques as horses' stables, colouring the rivers blood red, and torching priceless Islamic books and books of knowledge, science and of every scholarly material in libraries, universities and schools. At this time of great learning, cultural development and scholastic achievement in Baghdad, the invading Mongols consisted of uneducated uncivilised wild tribes and they entered Muslim lands attacking them with brute force.

However, even this vandalising tactic did not work; Baghdad still stood.

Thereafter, however, the Mongols tasted the truth of the Islamic faith for themselves opening their hearts and minds to education at the same time. On their becoming Muslim, all hostilities with local Muslims ended and they became the legitimate rulers of Islamic lands, their history becoming itself a glorious Islamic history. They later produced great culture and became the great Mughal rulers of India. Akbar was one of them.

The history of Islam also shows that even slaves who accepted Islam went on to become rulers. For instance the Mamluks, originally slaves became accepted as rulers in both Egypt and India. These examples historically prove the tolerance and acceptance by Muslims of their rulers irrespective of race, colour, origin or status; all Muslims are brothers and equal.

At the beginning of the Ottoman era, the Turks also faced resistance, understandably being greeted first with hostility. But this all ended immediately they declared their intentions to establish khalifa. They met with cooperation and cheer which facilitated the growth and spread of their power, and they found an empire forming around them. They succeeded in establishing their rule over vast lands stretching all the way from Arabia, China to almost all the lands of Islam, becoming the superpower of the then world, a superpower to where European leaders were summoned.

This Turkish Ottoman Empire ruled the Muslim world for 600 years, a feat hard to rival.

If the European, UK and American political and military leaderships consider embracing Islam, which is a simple declaration about one God while also accepting all the prophets including Abraham, Moses, Jesus with Muhammad as the final messenger of God and the Qur'an as last testament, an effortless transition will take place and power willingly exchanged, with cooperation rather than active resentment. A side effect will be that countless numbers of lives will be spared on all sides but the most significant thing to the coalition will be that the keys to the world's treasures - which lie under the soil of Muslim majorities, will effortlessly fall into the hands of the present conquerors of Baghdad, with no danger of reprisal or objection.

There is no reason that the Muslims would not accept this scenario and they would be obliged to accept any American or European Muslim as their leader or ruler. Look around today at the small but growing number of American and British Muslim scholars all of whom have complete acceptance and respect in the eyes of the Muslim masses. Race, colour or origin have equal importance in Islam.

In 1999 this writer wrote to Messrs. Bush and Blair inviting them to consider accepting the Islamic faith. I hope they and all other western political and other leaders will consider this proposal seriously this time and accept this invitation.

On the arrival of holy Jesus, pbuh, everyone will acknowledge this one universal and final faith. Our invitation is open to all mankind who wishes to consider finding the final and absolute truth.

