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Iran cleric: 'Obama is a deceitful fox'

Reza Kahlili

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Mach 20, 2012


Says president's peace gestures failed, Islam will rise as new superpower

A prominent Iranian cleric is calling President Obama a “deceitful fox” for the way he started off his presidency with promises of change and a more flexible approach toward Muslims, then employed an anti-Iran policy.

Hojatolislam Kaabi, in a speech days ago touching on the recent burning of the Quran and the massacre of Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier, called on Afghans to rise up against American and NATO forces, according to Hawzah news, the media outlet for the Islamic seminaries in Qom, Iran.

“The crimes and insults committed toward the Muslims in Afghanistan are a sign that (the West is) weak and that the proud people of Afghanistan have the ability to kick out the Americans and NATO forces from their country,” said Kaabi, a member of the Assembly of Experts in charge of choosing the supreme leader.

“Today the front that defends the real Islam and Allah’s governance of the world … has stood up to America and the powers of the world,” Kaabi said.

Islam is ever expanding in Europe, America, Central Asia and the Far East, the cleric said, and that last year the number of Muslims increased by 12 percent in Europe alone.

“The Islamic superpower, with the fall of the Soviet Union and the beginning of the fall of liberal democracy, is forming,” he said in explaining how Islam will soon conquer the world.

Kaabi promised that soon world power will shift from West to East, and Islam will conquer all the world’s strategic areas. He said that with current world events taking shape, especially in the Middle East, soon America will experience the same outcome the Soviet Union did when it broke apart.

Referring to President Obama, he said that “this deceitful fox showed a different face to the Muslims in extending his hand, but the dear leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, clearly knew of his true colors, as the enemy is pursuing the same old confrontation with Islam.”

Kaabi concluded that the Afghans should rely on Allah, and as Imam Khomeini said, “In calling America the Great Satan ‘America cannot do a damn thing.’ Therefore, with the power of Allah, just as Hezbollah was victorious over the Zionists, Afghans will be victorious over the occupiers.”

Meanwhile, Sepah News, the official site of the Revolutionary Guards, published a statement by Brig. Gen. Masoud Jazayeri, the Guards’ senior commander, that warned of the creation of new resistance groups to attack America’s forces and interests in Afghanistan that would deal the U.S. defeat.

In promising that American soldiers will experience the bitter taste of Muslim revenge, the deputy head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, “With the creation of new fronts, soon America, this worn-out empire, will become obsolete.”

Jazayeri, in responding to Obama’s remarks last month that diplomacy and not military intervention remains the “preferred solution,” said the U.S. carrot-and-stick policy holds no value to the Islamic republic and that Iran will pursue its objectives irrespective of Washington’s desires.

He then mocked America, stating that the country is so pathetic that even its own people, through the Occupy Wall Street movement, condemn what he calls the government’s exploitive system.

Reza Kahlili is a pseudonym for a former CIA operative in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards and the author of the award winning book, A Time to Betray. He is a senior Fellow with EMPact America, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security and teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA).