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Russian Iranian News Confirms many US troops involved in afghan mass killing

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March 14, 2012

Villagers mention many drunk soldiers shooting and killing. Pentagon says villagers are lying sticks with "Lone Assassin theory". One man who killed 17 innocent people in 3 houses several kilometers apart and then managed to pile the bodies and had sense of mind to bring chemicals to destroy and burn the bodies. Iranian Press TV says 20 drunk soldiers involved in massacre.

‘Several drunk troops behind bloodbath, laughed on shooting-spree, burned corpses’


A villagers mention many drunk soldiers involved

Gruesome new details are surfacing after 16 Afghan villagers including nine children were shot in their houses by at least one US serviceman. Witnesses to the atrocity now say that several drunken American soldiers were involved. Neighbors at the village where the killings took place said they were awoken past midnight by crackling gunfire: "They were all drunk and shooting all over the place," Reuters cites Agha Lala, a villager in Kandahar's Panjwayi district.


US GI's have been repeatedly caught entering afghan homes and slaughtering women and children

Lala's neighbor Haji Samad lost all of his 11 relatives in the rampage, including children and grandchildren. He claims Marines “poured chemicals over their dead bodies and burned them.” Twenty-year-old Jan Agha says the gunfire “shook him out of bed.” He was in the epicenter of the horrible shooting, witnessing his father shot as the latter peered out of a window to see what was going on.

"The Americans stayed in our house for a while. I was very scared," the young man told reporters. Lying on a floor, Agha says, he pretended to be dead. He added that his brother was shot in his head and chest. His sister was killed as well. “My mother was shot in her eye and her face. She was unrecognizable,” he said. The Afghan parliament said the incident was barbaric and demanded justice. Both NATO and US officials condemned the violence, promising a swift investigation.

Pentagon sticks with Lone Assassin theory

The Pentagon’s chief spokesman, George Little, said on Monday that there was "every indication" that the perpetrator, whose name he refused to disclose, had not been accompanied by any other soldiers. He also said that the mass killing would not change the “basic war strategy” in Afghanistan.  "Despite what some are saying, we’re not changing our fundamental strategy," Little said.


Mass killings of civillians is US way of subduing Afghans to foriegn rule

Also on Monday NATO reacted to the massacre of Afghan villagers, with spokeswoman Oana Lungescu saying the shooting was an "isolated incident." She emphasized it would not affect the timeline of the previously discussed withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.  Earlier a preliminary official report said the unnamed culprit, identified as a member of the US army staff, had acted alone and is now in custody after turning himself in at an American base.

US troops in Afghanistan have been put on high alert as the Taliban has issued a threat vowing “to take revenge from the invaders and the savage murderers for every single martyr.”  The statement published on the group’s website said that the US is “arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against the defenseless Afghans.”

Afghan officials, fearing possible violent demonstrations, have deployed extra police and troops in and around Kandahar.  The incident was one of the worst of its kind since the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. It comes just weeks after copies of the Koran were burned at a US military base, provoking mass riots in Afghanistan.


Irans Press TV reports that afghan investigation committee says up to 20 soldiers involved

An Afghan committee says that up to 20 US soldiers have been involved in the Sunday killing of at least 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar Province.  The committee or fact-finding mission has been set up by the Afghan Parliament to investigate the killing of at least 16 Afghan civilians in Kandahar’s Panjwayi district.  According to the head of the mission, after probing the circumstances and speaking to witnesses and locals, it was concluded that the crime could not have been committed by a single soldier.

Seyed Ishaq Gilani also said that local religious and tribal elders said there was more than one soldier involved.  This is while the US military insists that only one soldier was involved in the massacre.  On Sunday, a US soldier opened fire on Afghan civilians inside their homes, killing at least 16 and injuring several others in the town of Panjwaii.

Kandahar tribal leaders called on the Afghan government and the international community to carry out an investigation into the crime and put the perpetrators of the heinous act on trial in an Afghan court.  Afghan lawmakers have also called for a public trial of the US troops involved in the massacre. Meanwhile, the Afghan Taliban have vowed revenge against the US forces.

