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Suicide Bombing; OEN Exclusive On-Site Witness Report of Attack on Peshawar Press

Rob Kall

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Today, a suicide bomber attacked the Peshawar Press Club, where long-time OEN writer Muhammad Khurshid is not only a member and regular attendee, but also a presidential candidate. I interviewed him by gmail chat for over an hour.

Muhammad Khurshid

According to Khurshid, no journalists were killed, though some were injured. Several security guards and an accountant were killed. Khurshid was unharmed.

Asked why the Press Club was attacked, Khurshid replied that there was no clear answer yet, but speculated that it was an attack on all journalists.

The president of the press club, Shamim Shahid, is the Peshawar correspondent for Voice of America (VOA). Of note, VOA which is funded by the U.S. Congress, is the official external broadcasting service of the United States federal government. There are also journalists with BBC, AP, AFP, Skynews and other Western media. As noted in the attached transcript, Khurshid writes, "Now they are in terror. Now they want to postpone the election as the building of the press club [press club building] is also in a shamble."

Here is my interview with Khurshid transcribed directly from our gmail chat:

Rob Kall: now, what about the journalists with BBC, AP, AFP, Skynews and other Western media?

Muhammad Khurshid: Because they are being paid heavily by the VOA, BBC and AP and other agencies. The today news has created a lot of opportunities for them to generate money.

They have supported and created Taliban as all their news are getting attention.An interview of a Taliban leader is being sold for thousand dollars.

Rob Kall: Why they have been supporting Taliban?

Muhammad Khurshid: Because they have been creating opportunities for themselves. They are the reporters.

Rob Kall: What they will do after restoration of peace and order?

Muhammad Khurshid: I think many western agencies have also been using this opportunity for gaining something.

There are many people who have made war as their source of income.

Rob Kall: I am afraid this is true of many in the media worldwide.

Muhammad Khurshid: Yes my dear sir. Now this is a media war.

Rob Kall: Can you give me some basic details of the bombing. What was the local time it happened, who was the bomber, how was the bomb delivered? How many injured in addition to the four killed?

Muhammad Khurshid: The time was 11.45 Pakistan Standard Time. Eighteen others were injured.The bomber was trying to enter the press club building.But he was stopped by the security guards for checking.At that point he blasted himself.

Rob Kall: What did you see, hear, etc. as an eyewitness?

Muhammad Khurshid: I was sitting in the computer room.

And was writing something when I heard a huge blast.We ran out of the room.We saw the dead and injured.Then all the journalists start running for saving their lives.That was really terrible time.

Rob Kall: How?

Muhammad Khurshid: Because there was chaos.The bomber blasted himself at the gate.

Rob Kall: Describe the chaos.

Muhammad Khurshid: The journalists were running for their lives.The rescue team arrived very late.A lady sitting in the vehicle.Passing in front of the club was also passed away.

it is not clear whether she lost the live due to heart attack or hit by the bomb.But the bomb was huge as it almost destroyed the whole building.

Rob Kall: Any clue whether the attacker had any co-conspirators? Has a claim or statement been made by the terrorists?

Muhammad Khurshid: No so far no one has accepted the responsibility.But the job was done by Taliban.This is certain.

Rob Kall: How do you know that?

Muhammad Khurshid: Because the eyewitness told that the suicide bomber was look like Taliban.

The Taliban have also given several threats before carrying out the attack.

Rob Kall: Threats?

Muhammad Khurshid: They have given threats to journalists

As they were unhappy over the coverage.

Rob Kall: AP says the bomb exploded outside the building, that it killed an accountant, a police officer and a woman in a car-- that many of the inured were in a nearby bus.You said three security guards.What's correct?

Muhammad Khurshid: One is the security guard.A police man is a security guard.The accountant has just died in the hospital. Some of the journalists were injured.Yes the AP is right some passers-by were also injured.

Rob Kall: and explosion occurred in front of, not inside the press club?

Muhammad Khurshid: I have already told you that the woman was going in a vehicle.

Rob Kall: Yes.

Muhammad Khurshid: Just at the gate. The suicider was trying to enter the press club.

Rob Kall: I'm just checking to see what has already been reported.

Muhammad Khurshid: But he was stopped at the gate for checking.

Rob Kall: AP reports: "Journalists have played a vital role in our war by exposing the terrorists, so they are on the target list too like mosques, bazaars and security institutions," said Mian Iftikhar Hussain, the information minister for Northwest Frontier Province, of which Peshawar is the capital.

Muhammad Khurshid: Yes. He is true as journalists played the role of frontline in this war on terrorism.But the government of Pakistan failed in provision of security to journalists.Why they have not been taking journalists seriously.

Rob Kall: So they walk a narrow line, "fighting terrorism" while also profiting from reporting on terrorism.

Muhammad Khurshid: I think the government is duty bound to provide security to journalists.Yes my dear sir, this is the point.

Rob Kall: What is the local media saying about the attack?

Muhammad Khurshid: The attack is being condemned by the local media.It is really a bad incident.This is for the first time that a press club has been attacked.

Rob Kall: Can you tell me more about what the local media is reporting and their analysis?

Muhammad Khurshid: Even in Iraq the press club was never attackedI was just watching the Aaj TV channel.It said that it was a shameful act.As according to the anchor this is the first time that a press club has been attacked.He particularly mentioned Iraq and Afghanistan. According to him, so far no press club has been attacked anywhere.

Rob Kall: How are the journalists in the press club responding? How will it affect them?

Muhammad Khurshid: Now they are in terror.Now they want to postpone the election as the building of the press club is also in a shamble.It is now dangerous to sit in the press club.

Rob Kall: why is it dangerous to sit in the press club?Did you know any of the injured?

Muhammad Khurshid: Yes.One of the journalist Khuram.

Another person Fiaz.And so many others.Actually the blast has jolted the whole building.

Rob Kall: Who do they write for?

Muhammad Khurshid: Now there is cracks in the building.

Rob Kall: Will this affect journalism in Peshawar?

Muhammad Khurshid: Khuram is a photographer of The News.

Yes.It will certainly have bad affects on the journalism.

Rob Kall: any western correspondents hurt or correspondents for western media?Do any westerners use the Press club?

Muhammad Khurshid: Actually Khuram is all contributing photo to western news agencies.I am trying to find out the names.

But I will write it on my comments on your article.At the moment I did not remember all names.

Rob Kall: About the money making. Do reporters pay the Taliban for interviews?

Muhammad Khurshid: No.Actually these reporters get money from Taliban and then from their agencies.Taliban are actually illiterate people.And know nothing.They are just being used.

Rob Kall: By who?

Muhammad Khurshid: By the rulers of Pakistan.

And these journalists.As the US has been paying heavy amount to the government of Pakistan.And this way the journalists have also been earning the moneyI saw with my own eyes.

Rob Kall: So, US dollars are finding their way to the Taliban in Pakistan?

Muhammad Khurshid: Many journalists become millioners.


Rob Kall: Please tell me more about this.

Muhammad Khurshid: I have a lot of details.But at the moment I will be impossible to convey full details.But I promise I provide you the details in a day or two.And this will be a breaking news.

Rob Kall: US money funneled to Taliban is a big story.

Muhammad Khurshid: Yes.It will be.And this is the fact.


OEN managing editor Cheryl Biren and Senior editor Scott Baker helped research this article, while the interview was ongoing.

This report from THE GOBAL POST is one of many articles that corroborate Khurshid's report on US money going to the Taliban:

It is the open secret no one wants to talk about, the unwelcome truth that most prefer to hide. In Afghanistan, one of the richest sources of Taliban funding is the foreign assistance coming into the country.

Virtually every major project includes a healthy cut for the insurgents. Call it protection money, call it extortion, or, as the Taliban themselves prefer to term it, "spoils of war," the fact remains that international donors, primarily the United States, are to a large extent financing their own enemy.

"Everyone knows this is going on," said one U.S. Embassy official, speaking privately.

Author's Bio:

Rob Kall is executive editor, publisher and site architect of, Host of the Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show (WNJC 1360 AM), President of Futurehealth, Inc, inventor . He is also published regularly on the

With his experience as architect and founder of a technorati top 200 blog, he is also a new media / social media consultant and trainer for corporations, non-profits, entrepreneurs and authors.

Rob is a frequent Speaker on the bottom up revolution, politics, The art, science and power of story, heroes and the hero's journey, Positive Psychology, Stress, Biofeedback and a wide range of subjects. He is a campaign consultant specializing in tapping the power of stories for issue positioning, stump speeches and debates, and optimizing tapping the power of new media. He recently retired as organizer of several conferences, including StoryCon, the Summit Meeting on the Art, Science and Application of Story and The Winter Brain Meeting on neurofeedback, biofeedback, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology. See more of his articles here and, older ones, here.

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