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Richard Holbrooke - The Zionist Agent in Obama's Viet Nam

Christopher Bollyn

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Richard Holbrooke - The Zionist Agent in Obama's Viet Nam

Dick Holbrooke in Afghanistan in 2006.  Understanding Holbrooke's mission in Central Asia requires knowing who this Zionist "master of disaster" really is.

War weary Americans who hoped the new Obama administration would change U.S. policies in Iraq and Afghanistan and bring the troops home must be sorely disappointed.  The only Americans coming home these days are those who have died in the senseless conflict. More troops are being sent to fight a war that is understood neither by the American public nor by the people doing the  fighting




Americans are coming home from Afghanistan in caskets under the cover of night.

Admiral Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appeared on "Face the Nation" on Sunday, July 5, to discuss U.S. military actions in the Middle East.  During the interview Mullen revealed what he called the real strategy in Afghanistan:  to clear, hold, and build.  The first question asked of Mullen was about the military situation in Afghanistan as the U.S. Marines carry out a large offensive known as Operation Strike of the Sword or Operation Khanjar (Arabic for "dagger"): 

Admiral Mike Mullen:  I suspect it’s going to be tough for a while. And again, we have enough forces there now not just to clear an area but to hold it so we can build after. And that’s really the strategy. 

The logical question to ask Mullen would have been, "What is it that we want to build in Afghanistan?" although John Dickerson of CBS News did not ask.  If building is "really the strategy" in Afghanistan as Admiral Mullen says, what is it that so badly needs to be built? 


U.S. troops have been in Afghanistan since October 2001 when they were supposedly sent in response to 9-11, although no Afghans were involved in the terror attacks.  The stated aim of the Anglo-American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 was to find Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qaida members and put them on trial.  The U.S., however, said it had given up its pursuit of Osama Bin Laden years ago.  So why did the U.S. and Britain really invade Afghanistan -- and why are we still there?  Why has President Obama increased troop levels in Afghanistan?  The short answer is the TAPI gas pipeline, which will carry gas from Israeli-owned and managed gas fields in Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and China.

The TAPI pipeline needs to cross Helmand province in the south of Afghanistan.

Turkmenistan and Afghanistan are both very rich in gas reserves.  The Turkmen mineral assets are managed by the former Mossad agent Yosef Maiman.  Building the TAPI pipeline is a Zionist pipe dream that will use the mineral wealth of Turkmenistan to benefit Maiman and his partners.  This is the main development project that U.S. policy is trying to accomplish.  Transit fees from the gas pipeline are intended to support the government in Kabul

Yosef Maiman, Israeli Mossad agent, owns much of the gas of Turkmenistan and controls all of it.

Mullen touched on this development in the interview: 

We’ve got to move to a point where there’s security so that the economic underpinnings can start to move, development, that we can create governance so that the Afghan people can get goods and services consistently from their government. 

Are we to believe that the U.S. is fighting an 8-year war in Afghanistan in order to make sure the Afghans can get "goods and services consistently from their government?"  Have we spent hundreds of billions of dollars in Afghanistan so we can build post offices, train stations, and power plants?  What are the "economic underpinnings" that need to "start to move?"  Why would the U.S. government care more about providing "goods and services" to the people of Afghanistan than, say, the people of California? 

Mullen touched only lightly on the subject and CBS News was certainly not asking the questions that would allow Americans to really understand the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan.

"The economic development the generals talk about, including gas pipeline construction, requires stability," Gary Leupp wrote in Counterpunch on July 6, "But Afghanistan, like Iraq, was destabilized precisely by a U.S. attack and occupation in the first place. More ominously, Pakistan has been destabilized by the invasion of the next-door country."  Why are Americans fighting wars in Central Asia for a pipeline from Turkmenistan?

To understand why Obama is pushing the war in Afghanistan, one needs to understand that the Obama administration is really a Zionist-controlled government.  If this were not already abundantly clear, it can be seen by the person appointed to apply U.S. policy in the region.  That person is Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke, one of Obama's first appointments.  Holbrooke, a Zionist Jew and a long-time associate of Henry Kissinger, is the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Holbrooke was a director of Maurice Greenberg's incredibly badly-run A.I.G. insurance company from 2001-2008.  A.I.G. is really a criminal enterprise, indicted on numerous charges, which insured investment banks against losses from the extremely risky financial "instruments" that caused the financial collapse of 2008.  When these risky instruments failed, A.I.G. was bailed out with more than $180 billion of U.S. taxpayer dollars, which it then distributed to the dodgy investment banks it had insured.  A.I.G. has already cost every man, woman, and child in the United States about $600 each.  Holbrooke was a key insider in this tremendous scam.  Greenberg and A.I.G. are also involved in the terror attacks of 9-11 and the fraudulent "War on Terror" in many ways.  The first plane that struck the World Trade Center, for example, flew directly into the secure computer room of a Greenberg-owned and managed company, Marsh. 

Prior to A.I.G., Holbrooke was a vice chairman at Credit Suisse First Boston.  First Boston was the place where the mortgage-based securities were first created under Laurence D. Fink.  (Fink developed mortgage-based securities at First Boston in the mid-1970s when 9-11 "whistle-blower" Indira Singh worked there on the IT and risk consulting end of the business.) 

On January 22, two days after taking office, Obama named Holbrooke as special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan.  At this point, the U.S. government had already bailed-out Holbrooke's company to the tune of some $180 billion.  Yet two months later, Obama blasted A.I.G., calling their business practices "outrageous" and trying to distance his administration, which includes a former director of A.I.G., from the tremendous cost the A.I.G. bail-out imposed on the U.S. taxpayer:  "Nobody here was responsible for supervising A.I.G. and allowing themselves to put the economy at risk by some of the outrageous behavior that they were engaged in," the president said. 

Richard Holbrooke of A.I.G. and George Mitchell were both early Obama appointments.  Obama reportedly did not talk with Holbrooke about the $180 billion bail-out of the company he had been a long-time director of.  Instead he lied by saying no one in his administration was responsible for supervising A.I.G.

Obama's denial is clearly not true.  Holbrooke, an Obama appointee, had his hands deep in the A.I.G. scam for 8 years and had made a good living doing so.  Fox News reported on March 19, 2009, that Holbrooke made more than $250,000 a year as a director at A.I.G.: 

Holbrooke joined AIG's board in February 2001 and resigned in July 2008, two months before the company nearly collapsed. Over more than seven years as a board member, he may have earned as much as $800,000 in cash and company stock, according to AIG financial documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Since September, AIG has received $180 billion in taxpayer money to keep it from failing and causing more damage to the U.S. economy…

For much of his tenure on the AIG board, Holbrooke had a role in approving salaries and compensation. From 2001 until mid-2005, he was a member of the board's compensation committee. According to AIG financial statements, the committee sets the salary for the company's chief executive officer [Maurice Greenberg] and gives advice on how other senior managers are to be compensated. 


When critics call the conflict in Afghanistan "Obama's Viet Nam" they are not far off.  Holbrooke was a key player in the Viet Nam war from 1962 to 1969.  His biography concerning Viet Nam looks like this:  Joined Foreign Service US Department State, 1962, served in South Vietnam Saigon, 1963-66; staff member The White House, 1966-67; assigned US Department State; staff Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam, 1968-69.  From his high-level positions in the Viet Nam conflict we can see that Holbrooke and Henry Kissinger have worked together since the mid-1960s. 

Holbrooke and Kissinger have continued to work closely together at the American Academy in Berlin, which they founded in 1994.  The academy is located in a lakeside mansion across from the train station in Wannsee.  In 2008, Holbrooke gave the Kissinger award to George H.W. Bush. Why are Holbrooke and Kissinger giving prizes to former U.S. presidents?

George W. Bush receiving the Kissinger Prize in 2008

In an odd breach of protocol, Henry Kissinger was sent by the Obama administration to hold high-level talks with the leaders of Russia in March instead of the Secretary of State.  Why was Kissinger speaking for the United States under the newly-elected Obama administration? Who really makes U.S. foreign policy?

Kissinger meeting Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on March 19, 2009

Holbrooke also played a key role in the U.S.-led bombing and subsequent Balkanization of Yugoslavia, in which the formerly prosperous and socialist nation was carved up into ethnic mini-statelets.  The breaking up of Yugoslavia resulted in a significant reduction in the standard of living across the nation.  NATO continues to control the statelet of Kosovo, which was literally ripped off from Serbia along with Trepca, one of the richest mines in Europe

The New York Times of May 5, 2009 describes Holbrooke as a key member of the Obama team and says he is being considered as a possible national security adviser. During the disastrous conflict in August between Russia and Georgia, the NYT profile says Holbrooke "was one of the first Americans to fly to Tbilisi to meet with the Georgian leader Mikhail Saakashvili, a friend."  Whatever advice Holbrooke gave his "friend" Saakashvili was clearly bad advice.

Holbrooke, who is called "the bulldozer" by some who know him, is a pushy individual who has been involved at the highest level in one disaster after another since the early 1960s.  Now he is the point man in a disastrous and senseless war in Central Asia, which has gotten much worse since he joined the effort in January 2009.  Why is Holbrooke put into such positions of power in the first place?  The man, after all, has a long record of creating mega-disasters. 

Holbrooke visited refugees who had been driven from Pakistan's Swat valley in early June.  "Are you glad the army came in, even though you were driven out of your homes?" Holbrooke reportedly asked the refugees.

To understand why Holbrooke is put into these positions, it is necessary to understand who he really is.  Although it is not reported in biographical sketches, Holbrooke belongs to a very highly-connected family that is related to the Rothschild and Guggenheim families, among others.  It is his German Jewish family connections that have placed him in positions of power in the U.S. government. 

Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke was born April 24, 1941, to Dan Holbrooke and Gertrudis "Trudi" Moos Holbrooke.  Dan, his father, was a Polish Jewish immigrant who changed his name to Holbrooke.  Biographical sketches claim that Dan's original surname has been lost, which is very unlikely.  Dan Holbrooke's real name has been hidden in the same way that the family has sought to hide its Jewish roots.  But why would the Holbrooke family want to hide its Jewishness?  It it because that is their secret connection to power that they want to conceal?

Celia Mcgee of the New York Observer wrote about Holbrooke in 1998:

The son of Dan and Trudi Holbrooke, raised in Scarsdale, N.Y., schooled at Brown University, he was a son of assimilated, upper-class Jews who fled Nazi racism. "I've been with him plenty of times when his Jewishness was obvious," said his friend Stanley Karnow, the journalist and author, "and he jokes about it plenty, too. It just isn't an issue with him, or Kati." 

Holbrooke's father, whose real name is not known, died when Holbrooke was 16.  His mother comes from the influential merchant Moos family of Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany.  The Moos family is engaged in leather trading and moved their business to Argentina in 1922.  Holbrooke's grandfather Samuel Moos was born in Reutlingen in 1889 and married Valesca Friedheim of Zurich.  Samuel and Valesca lived in Buenos Aires where the leather-trading business is run in the name of the company founder, Elias Moos S.A.  The Moos family, which is related by marriage to the Rothschild, Guggenheim, Weil, Marx, and Einstein families, traveled frequently by ship between Buenos Aires, New York, and Europe.  There is even a seminar room at Tel Aviv University named in honor of Samuel and Valesca Moos.  The Moos family collected nearly 1 million Swiss francs from Switzerland in 2007 for money they claimed to have lost in accounts during the war, which was multiplied by a factor of 12.

The graves of Ludwig Rothschild and his wife Hanchen Moos in the Jewish graveyard of Gailingen, Germany.

By understanding who Richard Holbrooke really is, what his agenda is, and who he is working for, we can see that there is a secret Zionist agenda behind the war in Afghanistan.  With the appointment of Holbrooke, who is known as "the bulldozer" to oversee U.S. policy in the region, the 8-year-old war which has now spread to Pakistan is bound to become much worse.  The strategic goal of the war in Afghanistan has nothing to do with terrorism and never did.   Officials and media who claim that it is are simply lying.


This article is the result of a great deal of time and research. If you appreciate my work please click on the donation button at the top of the page.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas," October 14, 2001

Bollyn, Christopher, "Obama's Deception: Afghanistan, 9-11 & Dresden," June 5, 2009

Leupp, Gary, "Operation Khanjar Begins," CounterPunch, July 6, 2009