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Afghanistan's parliament call for the prosecution of "Criminal Foreign Troops"

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Global Research Editor's Note

The bitter irony is that the Afghan parliament was installed under US-NATO surveillance. Washington's "democratization" backlashes on their political and military sponsors.

Afghanistan to 'try criminal foreign troops'

"Afghanistan's parliament plans to pass an approval and send all related documents to the country's High Court as well as the international Hague tribunal," Khawaasi said.

This is the first time that Afghanistan's parliament has decided to file a lawsuit against foreign forces based in the country and described them as "war criminals."

Afghanistan's parliament is to send all documents regarding foreign troops' crimes to the Hague tribunal. Afghanistan's Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of parliament, has accused foreign troops based in the country of war crimes, urging a trial for the criminals.

Wolesi Jirga secretary Abdul Sattar Khawaasi told reporters that 73 members of parliament are collecting documents regarding foreign troops' crimes and offences in Afghanistan.

"The foreign troops came to the country claiming to bring security, but the crimes perpetrated by the them are not pardonable," he said.

Khawaasi added that foreign troops based in Afghanistan have violated the Constitution as well as international agreements in more than 20 instances.

In May, the Afghan parliament slammed the brutal bombardment of civilian areas by US-led forces, demanding legal restrictions on the activities of foreign forces.

Nearly 150 civilians were killed when US warplanes dropped bombs last month on two villages in Bala Baluk district in western Farah Province.