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From: JM
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 1:19 PM
Subject: Bush in Afghanistan
President Bush said this morning for the corporate media to relay from Sea to Shining Sea, "Are there difficult days ahead? Absolutely. But are the conditions a lot better today in Afghanistan than they were in 2001? Unquestionably, undoubtedly they are better."


Unquestionably better?


There may be a million Afghanis dead as a result of the Bush invasion (according to some, although corporate media have buried any attempt to report deaths, the most important statistic in war), and heroin exporting has reached record levels.  Women say that rape has become common outside of the capitol, now that criminal warlords are in charge of provinces.  A primary difference in the landscape, Afghanis say, is that where there were once houses, there is now rubble.


A recent report by the Council on Security and Development said the Taliban currently hold a permanent presence across 72 percent of Afghanistan. Suicide bombings have claimed more than 4,000 lives this year alone in Afghanistan.