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Bush Sends More Troops as Sacrifice for Zionist Altar of Heroin

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The World heroin smuggling is controlled by Zionist mafia. Mullah Omar of

Afghanistan had stopped all heroin growth (Ref: Noam Chosky, the famous

Jewish writer and US Gov report) that deprived Zionist mafia trillions of

dollars' profit albeit at the expense of youth lives; mostly Christians. In

order to restore and that for other objectives, 9/11 was created by Israel

to create an excuse to attack Afghanistan. Again Christian and Muslim blood

is spilled for the sake of Zionist profits which is otherwise sucking the

blood of poor and middle class in the form of high taxes, devaluation of

currency, loans, AIDS, etc. The Zionists make sure that each country gets

the most incompetent and the most dishonest person as their heads... They

want to keep other countries crippled so that Zionists continue to rule.

JOKE: One KGB chief was bought by CIA. CIA gave him handsome reward every

month. Other KGB agents spotted that and they knew about the funds but could

not trace the service for which their boss is paid so heavily. After some

years, the KGB boss retired and a farewell party was arranged for him. His

subordinates assured him of total immunity if he disclosed the service for

which he was paid. After getting absolute protection, he told: it is simple,

whenever a list of the candidates for any job was presented to me, I ticked

the most incompetent and the most dishonest person.,2933,419001,00.html

Bush: 'Quiet Surge' of Troops Sent to Afghanistan

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

WASHINGTON - Noting a "quiet surge" is taking place in Afghanistan,

President Bush on Tuesday redirected a Marine battalion destined for Iraq to

instead deploy to the Central Asian nation.

The president said he also plans to order 8,000 more combat and support

troops out of Iraq by February, but plans to keep the bulk of U.S. force

strength in Iraq intact until the next president takes over. No more combat

brigades will come home from Iraq for the rest of this year.

Bush said the battalion, roughly 1,000 Marines, now headed to Afghanistan

<,2933,419001,00.html> in November will be

followed in January by an Army combat brigade. A brigade is 3,500-4,000


Bush said the U.S. and its coalition partners serving under the NATO

umbrella have responded to an uptick in violence in Afghanistan by sending

thousands more troops. He said in the past year, the United Kingdom, France,

Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Australia, Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic

and others have sent additional forces to Afghanistan.

"These troop increases represent a 'quiet surge' in Afghanistan. In all, the

number of American troops in the country increased from less than 21,000 two

years ago to nearly 31,000 today. The number of coalition troops - including

NATO troops - increased from about 20,000 to about 31,000. And the number of

trained Afghan army and police forces increased from less than 67,000 to

nearly 144,000," he said.

Bush said the mission of the forces headed to Afghanistan will be to work

with "Afghan forces to provide security for the Afghan people, protect


s infrastructure and democratic

<,2933,419001,00.html> institutions and help

insure access to services like education and health care.

"They will show the citizens of Afghanistan that the government and its

partners will stand with them in the battle against the Taliban

<,2933,419001,00.html> and extremists," the

president said in a speech at the National Defense University.

The move answers in part calls from Democrats

<,2933,419001,00.html> to shift troops out of

Iraq to a more sizable force in Afghanistan. Still, Democrats quickly shot

back that Bush isn't doing enough to get troops out of Iraq, and into

Afghanistan, where violence is rising.

"The president's plan to reduce force levels in Iraq may seem to signal

movement in the right direction, but it really defers troop reductions until

the next administration," said House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike

Skelton, D-Mo. "More significant troop reductions in Iraq are needed so that

we can start to rebuild U.S. military readiness and provide the additional

forces needed to finish the fight in Afghanistan."

Said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: "I am stunned that President Bush

has decided to bring so few troops home from Iraq and send so few resources

to Afghanistan."

About 146,000 U.S. troops will remain in Iraq. Democratic presidential

nominee Barack Obama <,2933,419001,00.html>

said that the 4 to 1 ratio of troops in Iraq to Afghanistan shows a

misguided plan for addressing the challenges.

Bush's "plan comes up short," Obama said. "It is not enough troops, and not

enough resources, with not enough urgency.

"I am convinced that it is time to change our foreign policy," he said,

noting that he will withdraw troops from Iraq and create a "comprehensive

strategy to finish the job in Afghanistan."

Bush said more troops may be withdrawn from Iraq in the first half of 2009

if conditions improve, but that decision will left to his successor. Bush

leaves office Jan. 20.

"Here is the bottom line: While the enemy in Iraq is still dangerous, we

have seized the offensive, Iraqi forces are becoming increasingly capable of

leading and winning the fight," Bush said.

The president described how the surge had enabled Iraq to reduce violence,

improve governance and return normalcy of life.

His military commanders say the security improvements in the country are

becoming more durable, yet still fragile, and that is reason to pursue the

cautious approach of keeping most U.S. forces in country.

In his upbeat account of the war, the president shared credit all around.

"The progress in Iraq is a credit to the valor of American troops and

civilians, the valor of Iraqi forces and the valor of our coalition

partners," he said.

During his remarks, Bush also said he called the newly elected leader of

Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of assassinated former Pakistani

leader Benazir Bhutto, and pledged U.S. support "as Pakistan takes the fight

to terrorists and extremists in the border regions."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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