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Do we really even need to analyze this event, at all, before concluding, sight unseen, that yet another crisis-actor-hoax-shooting has occured, this time in Broward County, Florida?  Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times, who should all know by now how the familiar "drill" (pun intended) works, should reject this hoax with extreme prejudice.
* Editor's Note: We do not dismiss the possibility that a few actual murders may be blended into some of these mass death stunts. Nonetheless, the incidents basically remain crisis-actor hoaxes. 
Whether it was the Aurora theater "Batman" shootings, the Sandy Hook School "massacre," the Boston Marathon bombing, the shooting in the Charleston Church, the shooting at San Bernadino, the shooting at the Orlando fag club, the on-air execution of a TV reporter in Virginia, the Las Vegas shooting and so many other fake shootings, fake bombings, fake car & truck attacks that we have already forgotten by now --- it's always the same old template of fake tears, candlelight vigils and mushy personal stories.
1 & 2: Sandy Hook School (CT), 2012: Robbie Parker is caught laughing hours after his 6-year old daughter was murdered? Just seconds later, he went into character and start crying and getting choked up. 3. Just like "The Bad War" by yours truly, James Fetzer's "Nobody Died at Sandy Hook" was also banned by Amazon.
Nevertheless, for the sake of thoroughness, let's have a look at just a few of the "tells," as they say in poker parlance, which reveal this latest trick played on us by the CIA's illusion makers at Langley, VA. We begin with a Google Search of the term: "Florida school shooting hoax" and also "Florida school shooting fake" to see what some of America's citizen sleuths have dug up.
The very first item to populate for both terms, as is now always the case with these stunts, is the usual CIA misdirection posted at CIA newsite -- the same shady bunch that published that fake story about Trump and the Moscow prostitutes which led to him being illegally wiretapped by Obongo's CIA henchmen. Note how Buzzfeed seeded its headline and article with the words "hoax" and "fake" so that they could dominate the search.
  • Headline: Buzzfeed: Here Are The Hoaxes Already Going Around About The Florida School Shooting


A fake Bill O'Reilly account is spreading a hoax  ---  continues to spread hoaxes ---  is also spreading a hoax --- the fake article --- started sharing fake posts --- a similar hoax... this fake news --- (here)

That's 9 total mentions in all of either the word "fake" or "hoax" -- used in a clever way to describe unrelated matters.*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto
Buzzfeed is an important CIA presence on the Internet. In this case, the site was used to gain a top search spot to divert the curious away from "hoax" and "fake" relating to this stunt down in Florida.

Another big show of the CIA's hand was the hilariously pathetic crying performance of known CIA agent Philip Mudd -- a man who once suggested, on air, that "the government is gonna kill this guy (Trump)." Get your barf bag out for this performance, boys and girls.

  • CNN: A CNN Analyst Broke Down In Tears While Talking About Florida School Shooting

A former CIA official broke down in tears Wednesday on CNN while discussing the deadly school shooting in Broward County, Florida.

Philip Mudd was responding to questions about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when he said that "a child of God is dead" and became overcome with emotion.

"Cannot we acknowledge in this country," Mudd said through a cracking voice, "that we... we cannot accept this."

Mudd, bowing his head and still fighting back tears, then told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer, "I can't do it, Wolf. I'm sorry. We can't do it."

The camera cut away seconds later.


CIA = Crying Is Acting

And finally, we observe the manifest B-movie corniness of the "witnesses" and "survivors" and "mourners" and "first responders" who were photographed at the fake scene for the benefit of the horrified suckers watching at home on TV. Oh the bloody dry-eyed drama! The staged images -- all of them -- reak of rehearsed bad acting and really speak for themselves.
Freak Show Americana rolls on. Have a look:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto
1. If a mad gunman (or gunmen) is gunning down students as if they were bowling pins, shouldn't the kids be running the heck away from the scene instead of lining up like sitting ducks? 2. Waaaaa, waaaa, waaa for the cameras. Nice CIA-Hollywood touch with the 'Ash Wednesday' Catholic cross on the forehead. 3. A little inter-racial waaaa, waaa, waaa as White man comforts a Black girl. The choked-up teary-eyed boobs at home will eat that "diversity" moment right up! --- And another nice CIA-Hollywood touch with the Valentine's Day balloon.

1. Gotta always have that group prayer shot  --- very powerful tool to get the Evangelicals a snifflin'. 2. From 2014: school shooting drills -- some with actual armed actors -- take place all the time in America. Footage from such drills -- including fake blood -- could easily have been used to support this fake event.