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BUSTED - Sandy Hook by Jim Stone

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Here is something that got wiped out of the original post about Sandy Hook below (I am posting this from a cyber cafe)

They have posted fake schedules and fake cover stories to cover for the fact no kids were at Sandy Hook from 2008 up until the shooting. They are doing this to "prove" the school was open. But this is easy to shred still, PEOPLE, PLEASE DO SCREEN CAPTURES OF THIS RIGHT NOW:

This following article reads like a load of puff, and claims to be welcoming the kids in 2010. And Google has it indexed for 2010. And the paper says it is 2010. Sandy Hook welcomes kindergardeners in 2010 This is a lie, even though Google says it is real.

HERE IS PROOF: dropped the "truth burial" ball, and shows the earliest posting of this report happened after the psy op, in November 2014. It got indexed regularly ever since.

SEE THIS. The first record of the page existing was in November of 2014. That simply does not cut it, and you will see the exact same anomalies happen with everything sandy hook related during the time frame between shut down and psy op because the school was closed, and all that exists is fake postings and Google complicity with "legitimate" dating to cover it all up. The Wayback machine was not sufficiently accounted for and compromised so (for now) the proof is there that the school really was closed.

In case there is anything wrong with the links, here is the copy paste version:

Fake posted years later report:

Wayback machine, confirming it was not posted in 2010 as stated:*/

There is a reason why they triggered a shutdown of my main computer when I was about to post. It had the battery in, the power supply hooked up, and there was no power outage or other problem. The screen simply went blank and all the work was lost. For that, I am going to slay them even worse, just wait. Because if they are that desperate over Sandy Hook, it means it is an achilles heel that can blow them to smithereens. I did not know this topic was that sensitive. Now it is time to dig.

I will update this more later.


I had a beatiful report on this that I spend a huge amount of time on, and when I went to post it the computer shut off! Someone shut it off. Now I don't have time to re-do it. Additionally, during the re-type I had to battle deletes!

Here is the gist of the report: The Wayback machine indexed the Sandy Hook web site. All indexing stopped in the spring of 2008 Because the school was shut down permanently at that time, to be demolished. This shut down and demolition order is something I covered at the time of Sandy Hook in detail. Sandy Hook was shut down because of asbestos problems.

Additionally, if you go to the indexing in the Wayback machine, it shows the days it indexed the last pages, but when you click them they are all deleted, because for the last two years on the Sandy Hook web site, it said the school was soon to be shut down and demolished and the Wayback machine is a totally fluid political tool that exists to fill a history expungement agenda, all the while it fronts as legit.

The Wayback machine indexed nothing from spring of 2008 until 2013, because there was no web site to index for a school that did not exist. Then, after the psy op, someone re-registered the Sandy Hook web site to prove the school existed, which is something anyone can do to any web site that has been abandoned. The Wayback machine can't tell the difference between the original web site and the hoax web site, so it indexes them as the same.

So here is the link to the Wayback machine that shows this. You can click any date that is within two years of the shut down, and the pages will be blank, but if you go back in time to before 2005, the pages work, and prove that this really is the web site for Sandy Hook.

There are trolls out there saying this is fake, but it is clearly not fake. It absolutely is the real web site for the same Sandy Hook that was supposedly shot up, and there really is a five year gap in updates that prove the school was not in operation prior to the psy op.

That's as good as I can do in 10 minutes fixing hours of wrecked work. REGARDLESS OF WHAT TROLLS SAY, THIS IS THE REAL SANDY HOOK WEB SITE, AND IT REALLY WAS SHUT DOWN FOR FIVE FULL YEARS because the building was abandoned and just waiting for one last use in a psy op.

Creepy: "Indivisible" sleeper cell groups popping up EVERYWHERE

I'd bet George Soros is behind this, and wants to make good and sure there are a huge number of registered activists ready for the next election, to crush it. Take a look at this map of locations, it is absolutely freaky

There is obviously the usual "Trump lost the election and blah blah to justify it" also. This really looks like something Soros is backing.

SO HERE IS WHAT YOU DO: find a location near you. Join the group. Infiltrate it and at a minimum expose it. At a max, divert and subvert it. This is a game they play, and we had better start playing it also.

It takes a village

I might as well mention this, because it is (sort of) making the rounds - In Hillary Clinton's 1996 book "It takes a village to raise a child", she wrote about using black prison labor to maintain the Arkansas governor's mansion while the Clintons were there. Someone went back in time, read that piece of trash, and found it. Now it is a scandal I guess.

Hillary does not look good in retrospect, because first of all prison labor is frowned on, and second of all, she claims to have become friendly with a few of them - African American men in their thirties who she claimed were emotional illiterates. That's certainly not a politically correct way to say it.

Yep, this can get published by her directly in a very well known about book, and the MSM won't touch it. Imagine what would happen if Trump did anything of the sort, let alone published it!

June 13th 2017