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Are Americans Preparing for a Revolution?

The Lonestar Watchdog

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Nov. 17, 2012

Many people, including myself, have predicted that the re-election of Barack Obama will lead to the destruction of America as we knew it.  We believe that he is using policies such as Obamacare to bring about the financial collapse of our once great nation and that he will use his emergency powers to declare martial law and seize dictatorial control of the nation.

In the process of Obama’s power hungry scheme is the belief that he will do away with the Second Amendment right to bear arms and try to remove all firearms from the hands of the American people.  Obama has never hidden his anti-gun agenda, although he did do his best to avoid the topic during the debates and his many campaign appearances.  In one of the debates, he did mention about his desire to see a ban on assault weapons to be re-established.

Some are questioning whether or not Obama will actually push to ban all firearms or just assault weapons.  If so, how would be go about it?  He’s been using regulations and executive orders to bypass Congress on other important issues including immigration, so why wouldn’t he try to do the same with guns?  He knows he could not get any kind of anti-gun legislation passed through the Republican controlled House, so he most likely will have to use some kind of subtle or secretive method to accomplish it.

Over the past couple of years, gun sales have seen a dramatic increase.  In fact, it is one of the few industries that have actually benefitted by Obama’s presidency.  Last Christmas, saw a huge jump in background checks which hit the 1.5 million mark.  In the six days prior to Christmas, there were 500,000 requests for background checks.

In the month prior to the election, background checks for prospective gun buyers was up by 18.4%.  However, in the week since the election, gun sales in the U.S. have skyrocketed, especially sales of assault weapons like the AK-47.

Dragonman Arms, a gun store in Colorado Springs owned by Mel Bernstein said the demand for assault weapons is so high right now that ammunition for them is starting to run short.  He normally orders around 7,000 rounds a week but could only get 3,000 from his distributors this last order because of the high demand.  Concerning gun sales, Bernstein reported:


“We’re going from normally six to eight guns a day, to 25. I stocked up, I got a stockpile of these AK-47s, we’re selling these like hot cakes. Luckily I had an idea of what was going on because it happened with Clinton.”

In Hankins, New York, Fernwood Firearms owner John Kielbasa told reporters:

“Sales are up. I had a guy waiting here first thing in the morning (the day after the election.) He came in, bought two AK-47s. It’s going to be good for me for business.”

So why are so many people buying so many guns?  Some say they are buying them now before the government forbids anymore sales.  Yet others are saying that they are stocking up on weapons, ammunition and food in preparation of America’s collapse.

I heard from one person who said they believe that America will fall under Obama and the country will go into complete chaos.  Food and supplies will become scarce causing millions to riot and loot and steal from others.  He said that he intends on protecting his family, his house and supplies from any and all intruders.  He also said that he expects government forces to start confiscating firearms and when they come to his house, it’s going to be a battle to the death.

I’ve also read numerous accounts saying that when America collapses, it will be time for another revolution.  It will be up to the millions of Americans who own guns to join in the revolution and help take our nation back from those that destroyed it, namely Barack Obama.

No matter how you look at it, these are dangerous and scary times and it seems that it’s going to get a lot worse in the foreseeable future.

*Editors Note. We see Americans preparing for a revolution.

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