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Nov. 13, 2012


The States do not need the Federal Government, never did, and never will.  The highest seat of government should be County, and the highest official, The Country Sheriff, never State or Federal.

Also, current State Government structure is no different than Federal, thus it will do no good to break free from The Federals, if the States retain the same structure. Almost all states, 'of the United States', at some point in the past, were converted to sub-corporations of their parent US DC Federal Corp. Therefore, until that subservient Corporate framework, is cast-aside, in favor of Elisor County Government, nothing whatsoever will change. The reassured outcome will be that the same Jews running all layers of government now, will also be running it then, such that the people will still be sitting in the same electric chair, only now, in plain view. . . the executioners hand on the switch. ~Rod Remelin





ELI'SOR, n. s as z. In law, a sheriff's substitute for returning a jury. When the sheriff is not an indifferent person, as when he is a party to a suit, or related by blood or affinity to either of the parties, the venire is issued to the coroners; or if any exception lies to the coroners,the venire shall be directed to two clerks of the court, or to two persons of the county, named by the court, and sworn; and these, who are called elisors or electors, shall return the jury.




SHER'IF, n. An officer in each county, to whom is entrusted the execution of the laws. In England, sherifs are appointed by the king. In the United States, sherifs are elected by legislature or by the citizens, or appointed and commissioned by the executive of the state. The office of sherif in England is judicial and ministerial. In the United States it is mostly or wholly ministerial. The sherif, by himself or his deputies, executes civil and criminal process throughout the county, has charge of the jail and prisoners, attends courts and keeps the peace.



Elisor Orders


I am not a lawyer, I am a Judgment and Collection Agency Broker. This article is my opinion, based on my experience in California, and laws vary in each state. If you ever need legal advice or a legal strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.


An Elisor is court-appointed person who substitutes their signature for another person on documents, when that person cannot, should not, or will not sign them.


Sometimes an Elisor stands in the shoes of a sheriff or a coroner (when they are unavailable or unqualified) for the specific action of signing documents required to comply with a court order.


Elisor laws are usually similar nationwide, however they vary in most states. In California, CCP 262.8 (c) specifies that when "a sheriff or a coroner is a party, and there is a vacancy in the office of the other, or where it appears, by affidavit, to the satisfaction of the court in which the proceeding is pending, or the judge thereof, that both of these officers are disqualified, or by reason of any bias, prejudice, or other cause, would not act promptly or impartially."


California CCP 262.8 (c) might be useful if a sheriff or a coroner are parties to a matter, and an affidavit is submitted to the court that claims they might act in a way contrary to what their duties require.


One obvious example where CCP 262.8 (c) is handy, is when there is a business owned by a judgment debtor sheriff or a coroner. Another is when a sheriff or a coroner is a party to a lawsuit, another is when there is an assumed bias. An example of bias could be if a sheriff is not cooperating with a court order to sell at auction, an asset belonging to a relative of the sheriff.


Depending on your location, Elisor laws might help if one lives in a county where the sheriff refuses to arrest someone after the issuance of a bench warrant. Perhaps one could ask a court to appoint an Elisor sheriff to actually arrest a judgment debtor (having a current bench warrant for their arrest) and take them into custody. This does not work in (e.g., California) counties where there is no room for civil contemners in the jails.


What if your judgment debtor owns shares of stock in a closely held company, and you cannot find the "physical certificates"? Note that you do not always need the certificates of a closely held corporation. Certificates are evidence of ownership, not legal proof of ownership. Some corporations never issue physical stock certificates.


If you do need physical certificates (I am not a lawyer), perhaps you could get a turnover order first, and:


A) If the judgment debtor's shares are turned over to you or the sheriff, that is great.


B) If the shares are not turned over because the certificates have not yet been issued, then an order against the corporation to issue the share certificates might be appropriate.


C) If the corporation does not comply, then seek an Elisor order:


1 - File the motion of Elisor, stating the judgment debtor failed to comply, and a clerk of the court should be allowed to sign on behalf of the debtor by order of the court. Have the judge sign your order.


2 - Have the court clerk sign the blank stock shares that you provide.


3 - File the signed shares with the Secretary of State.


4 - Set up a corporate board meeting, perhaps fire the current board, and liquidate the judgment debtor's corporate assets.


What if your judgment debtor will not sign a property transfer agreement or receipt after you were the winning bidder at a sheriff sale? File a motion of Elisor, and ask a court to appoint a clerk to sign on behalf of the judgment debtor.


An Elisor order might be useful when a party does not return property as specified by a court order.


In divorces, when one spouse will not sign over the ordered share of a property or a business, an Elisor order can solve the problem and make the transaction legal, because it is a court order.