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Remember the Alamo!

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Nov. 13, 2012

On this 65th observance of Veterans Day as a holiday to honor all veterans, and not just veterans of World War I, unity is in the making, as is division. Following the election on November 6 amid charges of voter intimidation, voter suppression, and voter fraud, citizens in several states have started online petitions for secession from the United States. By Saturday, 15 states had peacefully petitioned the Obama Administration for withdrawal from the United States of America, according to the Examiner.

2012 County Electoral Map

Many bloggers are taking the news of these petitions tongue-in-cheek, however countless numbers, amid frivolity and felicity, wish in their heart-of-hearts that secession could come to pass. Petitioning states include signatures obtained by Louisiana, 7,358; Texas, 3,771; Florida, 636; Georgia, 475; Alabama, 834; North Carolina, 792; Kentucky, 467; Mississippi, 475; Indiana, 449; North Dakota, 162; Montana, 440; Colorado, 324; Oregon, 328; New Jersey, 301 and New York, 169. Many more States are expected to follow, the Examiner reports.


Remember the Alamo!

Texas is no stranger to secession. When Mexico seceded from Spain during the 1820s, it welcomed Americans to settle Texas. But, when the Americans began to outnumber the resident Mexicans, rebellion ensued which led to Texas seceding from Mexico. It’s path to separation began with its Declaration of Independence from Mexico in 1836 while the Alamo was under seige by Santa Ana’s army. Sixteen years later under the presidency of Sam Houston, the independent Republic of Texas joined the United States of America as the 28th state in 1845. At this time, Texas included Colorado, the eastern half of New Mexico, southwest Kansas and portions of Wyoming and Oklahoma. With the Compromise of 1850, the United States agreed to pay Texas $10M for all territories that had been claimed by Texas, except that which now comprises the state. The state again seceded from the Union in 1861 to join the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, afterwhich, it was once again admitted into the Union.

Don’t mess with Texas. Governmental oppression and federal neglect have Texas once again mulling secession. Texas Governor Rick Perry spoke before an “anti-tax” crowd in 2009 and said that the federal government is strangling Americans with taxation, spending, and debt, according to the Huffington Post. Afterwards, he said that he saw no reason for Texas to do that [secede], at the time. However, with the fifteenth-largest economy in the world, Texas would benefit greatly from secession. The federal government has given itself a free hand to interfere with the lives and liberties of Texans and has siphoned off the wealth and resources of Texas for social and political agendas in Washington and abroad. As Texas has fallen prey to the federal government, so have the other forty-nine states. That is why talk of secession is becoming more prevalent.

Allen West

Allen West is fighting for his political life in Florida amid blatant voter fraud. Prop 37 was voted down in California, even though nearly two million votes still need to be counted. Stories have surfaced that ten Colorado counties reported more voter turn out than residents. Conservatives are of the mindset that their last bastion of liberty is gone and now they have nowhere to go to escape a socialist regime in Washington.

These are perilous times in which we live and the stakes are getting higher. Thank God for Allen West and all of our veterans who have given of themselves and their lives that we can enjoy the freedom we have left. Don’t let any of them die in vain. And, remember the Alamo, that those who gave their lives to free Texas did not die in vain.