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Virginia Residents Fed Up With Liberals – Buy Billboard To Defend Their Constitutional Rights

Adam Casalino

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December 27, 2019

This billboard is hands-down the best thing I’ve seen all week!

This week we told you about the liberal tidal wave that has plunged Virginia into chaos.

The D.C. swamp has flooded the once-patriotic state, leading to a Democrat majority in their government.

The home of so many Founding Fathers is now overrun with left-wing hatchetmen, eager to strip away residents’ rights.

Their pro-abortion governor has promised insanely strict gun laws. This includes a bogus law that will take away a citizen’s firearms without due process.

Over 90% of the state has passed Second Amendment sanctuaries to combat this agenda.

Now, citizens are fed up and are fighting back with billboards.

From Daily Wire:

A slew of pro-Second Amendment billboards have started to pop up around Virginia raising awareness of the radical anti-gun agenda that Democrats in the state are prepared to impose on law-abiding citizens with the backing of billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

90% of the state has responded by declaring itself a “sanctuary” from the Democrats’ anti-gun rights agenda.

Billboards have been popping up across the state of Virginia. They are warning citizens of the encroaching day that Gov. Northam will try to take away their guns.

Of the many far-left gun laws he wants to push, the worst might be his confiscation law.

This law will empower a court to take away a person’s firearms if he is considered a “risk.”

The law is so vague, it will give the courts the power to disarm a person who hasn’t even committed a crime.

This is not only a violation of your Second Amendment rights, but a violation of due process.

Northam wants all Virginians guilty until proven innocent. Hmm… sounds very familiar, doesn’t it?

(Because that’s exactly what Democrats are doing to President Trump right now!)

Citizens are fighting back. These billboards are spreading the word. All law-abiding residents need to know what’s going on.

They better protect themselves now and voice their outrage. Before Northam can slip these bogus bills into law.

It’s going to be a dark 2020 for the state of Virginia. The only hope is that, come November 2020, they can get rid of as many of these liberal politicians as possible.