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It’s time

Dudley Brown

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We’re one year away. One year until November 2020 -- an election I believe will prove to be one of the most decisive in decades.

Early polls show that it’s anybody’s game.

In fact, the Second Amendment’s very survival could be on the line as gun grabbers are more radical than ever before -- even bragging, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!”

If we don’t start getting ready now, I’m worried we could be staring straight down the barrel of a gun control DISASTER.

The Presidential race is already underway. So too are a number of major U.S. Senate and Congressional primaries.

That’s why I’m counting on your support for the National Association for Gun Rights TODAY.

Every dollar you give will help me expose records of anti-gun politicians in BOTH parties. And with the ongoing insanity in Washington, I am convinced you and I must act now, and act strongly, to protect the Second Amendment in 2020.

After all, it’s not just victory the Gun Control Lobby and their BILLIONAIRE backers (like Michael Bloomberg) crave. It’s a total revolution -- the total remaking of everything that’s made this country the greatest and freest in human history.

If they succeed in installing an anti-gun radical of their choice in the White House -- and seize control of both houses of Congress -- there could be no stopping their radical agenda, which includes:

*** The Feinstein Gun Ban. Far worse than the expired 1994-2004 ban, this bill would outlaw 200+ specifically named rifles, shotguns and pistols for cosmetic features gun grabbers think look “scary;”

*** So-called “Universal Background Checks” (AKA National Gun Registration). The anti-gun politicians’ dirty secret is that the only way such a scheme could be enforced is for our federal government to keep track of every gun and gun owner in America. And as you and I both know, registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION;

*** The United Nations’ so-called “Small Arms Treaty.” The gun grabbers’ crown jewel is designed to create an international database of “end users” of firearms -- all at the fingertips of one-world globalists at the United Nations.

Worse, the Gun Control Lobby is threatening to do anything and everything to get their way.

That includes gutting the Senate filibuster, impeaching Supreme Court Justices and/or packing the Court.

In fact, U.S. Senator Kamala Harris -- who’s widely considered a “top tier” contender -- has even threatened to destroy the Second Amendment via executive fiat if she’s elected president.

It’s sheer madness.

But no matter how radical the Gun Control Lobby’s schemes are -- or the tactics they use to achieve them -- you and I both know our national media elites will cheerlead for them the entire time.

Meanwhile, they’re launching SMEAR campaigns against law-abiding gun owners and any politician who doesn’t IMMEDIATELY bend to their will.

After all, while the anti-gun crowd certainly prefers to elect gun-grabbing Democrats whenever possible, they also know Republicans they can work with -- like Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) -- are even more valuable.

Then, they can cloak even the most draconian schemes in the guise of “bipartisanship” to fool Americans into thinking even the worst of their attacks on our gun rights are “no big deal.”

That’s why you and I can’t afford to wait until next year to get involved by exposing the anti-gun voting history of politicians in key districts before November 2020. We have to take action NOW!

While the race for the White House is on everyone’s radar, what happens in the Senate is every bit as important.

Whether or not anti-gunners seize control will likely be decided by the results of just a handful of key races, including:

*** Open seats in Kansas, New Mexico, Tennessee and Wyoming, where our gun rights could benefit from the retirements of weak-kneed/anti-gun incumbents from BOTH parties. But numerous candidates will be running and open seats are notoriously volatile;

*** Primary contests where Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) will have to answer for their anti-gun votes;

*** Key races where anti-gun Democrat incumbents are vulnerable to pressure from pro-gun constituents -- like Doug Jones (AL), Mark Warner (VA) and Gary Peters (MI).

And I haven’t even mentioned the U.S. House yet where U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is clinging to an 18-seat anti-gun majority -- buoyed by 30 Democrats who won in districts President Trump carried in 2016.

You and I could have a big opportunity there ... But only if we’re willing to start fighting NOW.

So will you please agree to your most generous support for the National Association for Gun Rights TODAY?

With your generous support, the National Association for Gun Rights will ensure pro-Second Amendment Americans know where their candidates stand on protecting -- or gutting -- our gun rights.

Your generosity will put the gun grabbers on notice that they can’t seize TOTAL control of Washington, D.C. and DESTROY our Second Amendment freedoms -- that trying to do so will come with a high political price tag.

Will you consider a contribution of $100?

I know that’s a lot to ask. But if you can give that much, I hope you’ll consider it. But if it is too much, I only ask you to consider the stakes and give what you can today.

Maybe a lesser contribution of $50 or even $25 best fits your budget. Maybe it is another amount.

I only ask you to do what you can right now.

You and I both know 2020 is going to be pivotal for our country. So please don’t delay.

Whether it’s $100, $50, $25 -- or some other amount -- every dollar you can give is critical.

If we don’t FIGHT, we’re going to be steamrolled. It’s that simple.

So please help make an impact by clicking here and making your most generous contribution of $100, $50, $25 -- or whatever you can afford IMMEDIATELY!

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown


National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The 2020 election year is right around the corner, with the Presidential and other top races already underway.

Gun grabbers are going all out to seize TOTAL control of Washington, D.C. They smell blood in the water, and are circling like sharks to tear at anything in their way.

You and I MUST fight back and show patriotic gun owners will not be bullied into silence.

So please agree to your most generous contribution of $100, $50 or $25 to the National Association for Gun Rights TODAY. Together we will make a stand...and I believe we’ll be victorious in 2020.


The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit tax exempt advocacy organization under Section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax-deductible for IRS purposes. Not paid for or mailed at taxpayer expense. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is