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We’re down to two choices. That’s it.

Dudley Brown

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\We have an all-out brawl brewing in Congress over gun control.

We have gun grabbers campaigning across the country threatening to forcibly take law-abiding Americans’ firearms.

We have a national media who’s doing everything they can to help their anti-gun buddies gain the power they need to do just that in November 2020.

We can either stick our heads in the sand.

OR Patrick, we can FIGHT!

Today, I’m looking for as many patriots as possible to sign up as National Association for Gun Rights FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributors.

This is THE best way you and I can fight back against the gun grabbers with so much on the line through next November.

You can sign up for just $0.33 a day ($10.00 a month).

And if you sign up right now, your name will automatically be entered to win a Smith and Wesson 1911TA, a holster emblazoned with the FRONTLINE DEFENDER logo and 1,000 rounds of ammo!

Patrick, if you don’t have thousands of dollars to give to protect your Second Amendment freedoms, this the best way you can make an impact.

That’s why I’ve developed special ways to say “THANK YOU” for the fine folks who sign up for our premier membership -- including automatic entry into our monthly gun giveaways and exclusive “gear,” which cannot be bought. It must be earned.

FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributors are the National Association for Gun Rights’ backbone for three very important reasons:


1) FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support means I don’t have to waste critical time raising money in order to respond to anti-gun legislative attacks.

With BOTH parties working on a “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation “compromise,” the fight could move extremely fast if a deal is struck. FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are THE key to stopping this scheme -- and anything else the Gun Control Lobby throws at us;

2) FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support means I have some idea of future resources.

Quite simply, that means I’m never forced to “hold back” in a make-or-break fight. It also means I’m able to lay the groundwork for taking back Second Amendment freedoms like passage of Constitutional Carry in South Dakota and Kentucky this year;

3) FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support ensures the gun-grabbers WILL be held accountable next November for all their outrageous attacks on our gun rights.

Patrick, this program isn’t for everyone. I know that.

At the time of the American Revolution, not everyone actively worked to free our country from British rule.

Only a special few did -- but it’s those patriots we celebrate today.

Likewise, the FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor program is for the true patriots who are willing to take an extra step to defend their gun rights.

There’s so much at stake for our country through November 2020.

The FRONTLINE DEFENDER program is for those who recognize the threat, take it seriously and agree to step up to the plate to protect our country and our freedom.

In other words, it’s for leaders.

It’s for people who answer the call when times get tough -- not for those who look for someone else to carry the load.

It’s for people like you.

So I’ll ask you a blunt question, Patrick.

Can I count on you to step up?

Will you sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER today?

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown


P.S. Because of various state laws, no donation is required to enter our giveaway for the Smith and Wesson 1911TA, holster emblazoned with the FRONTLINE DEFENDER logo and 1,000 rounds of ammo.

But if you sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER by September 30, your name will be automatically entered!

And as long as you keep your membership in the FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor program active, your name will also be automatically entered to win a new gun each month!


The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt advocacy organization under section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax deductible for IRS purposes. The National Association for Gun Rights’ mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is