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Nov. 27, 2014

But when the rights of one man are compromised in subsidizing this evil and failure, then the rights of ALL men are compromised because the Declaration of Independence says we all have EQUAL rights. Remember that the only thing that governments can ethically pass laws against is sin and the more laws we have, the less freedom and liberty we have. These laws against sinful behaviors (murder, theft, fraud, violation of contract, etc.) then become the government's means of controlling us and making us slaves, whether it be by putting us in jail, fining us, taxing us, or putting us on work furlough. Those who want to abuse the machinery of government to compensate for their own laziness by forcing their richer brother to be their caretaker should remember the following right from the mouth of our founding father Thomas Jefferson:


"Force [is] the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. "

[Thomas Jefferson: 1 st Inaugural, 1801. ME 3:321]


"The compulsions of the law seem to have been provided for those only who require compulsions. "

[Thomas Jefferson to Albemarle County Commissioners, 1780. Papers 15:590]


"The sheep are happier of themselves than under the care of the wolves. "

[Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XI, 1 782. ME 2:129]


"How soon the labor of men would make a paradise of the whole earth, were it not for misgovemment, and a diversion of all his energies from their proper object — the happiness of man — to the selfish interest of kings, nobles, and priests. "


[Thomas Jefferson to Ellen W. Coolidge. 1825. ME 18:341]


"The Giver of life gave it for happiness and not for wretchedness. "

[Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, 1782. ME 4:196, Papers 6:186]


"In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy, which cunning will discover, and wickedness insensibly open, cultivate and improve. "

[Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XIV, 1782. ME 2:207]


The last quote above describes the Federal Reserve, the Social Security System, Medicare, welfare, and every other government entitlement scam: a misguided attempt to exploit human weakness and insecurity to spread socialism, financial slavery, communism, and totalitarianism. Charity is a legitimate function, but ONLY within the confines of the church and the family. The government has no business addressing these issues because they can never enforce the kind of personal responsibility and accountability that churches and families can and should on their own members. We should always remember that compelled charity is really just slavery disguised as benevolence.