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Nothing Gun Grabbers Hate More

Sen. Rand Paul

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June 13, 2014

You owe it to yourself to read the email you’ll find below.

I’ve seen the National Association for Gun Rights’ effectiveness fighting the Obama administrations attempted gun grabs.

Without their action -- and the continued action and support of good folks like you -- I shudder to think what might have already been RAMMED into law . . .

Both last year’s NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION scheme and the outrageous U.N. “Small Arms Treaty” could have been done deals here in Washington, D.C.

The best way you can be a part of this winning team is by signing up as a National Association for Gun Rights’ FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor.

I know there’s nothing my anti-gun colleagues here in Congress hate seeing more.

But I can’t tell you how much I love meeting folks wearing the FRONTLINE DEFENDER gear when I hold events all over the country.

These fine folks are truly the Second Amendment’s first line of defense.

Just read the email below to learn more about why FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are so critical to our Second Amendment rights.

And please take just a moment to sign up right away.

In liberty,

Senator Rand Paul


“Knock, knock.”

You get up from your couch or easy chair only to find a handful of federal agents at your door, armed to the teeth and demanding you “hand ‘em over . . . or else.”

If you believe in the Second Amendment at all, this horrific scenario is always in the back of your mind . . .

But the truth is, should that fateful day ever come here in the United States, it will be the result of losing a series of smaller battles . . .

The result of sitting back, shirking our duties and hoping someone else will carry the load.

I need to ask you a blunt question. 

Right now, your National Association for Gun Rights is conducting an all-out Fill the Ranks FRONTLINE DEFENDER Push.

Will you commit to just $0.33 per day to protect our gun rights?

This program is so important, if you sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly-contributor today, you’ll be automatically entered in a giveaway for a Daniel Defense AR-15 with EOTech sights AND an all-expense-paid trip!

I’ll tell you more about that shortly.

But I hope you’ll agree to act at once.

I know you understand all the threats we’re facing today.

The recent California shooting has brought gun control back to the forefront of the political debate.

The U.S. House has already passed expanded funding for Attorney General Eric Holder’s national instant background check scheme.

I’m afraid -- after any number of amendments are added -- this scheme could become even more horrific.

Not only that, but the November 2014 elections are speeding at us like a freight train, as well.

If the gun-grabbers don’t pay a price this fall, they’ll start thinking Second Amendment supporters are paper tigers.

I truly shudder to think of what you and I could be facing next.

I started the National Association for Gun Rights’ FRONTLINE DEFENDER program to fight back against crises like we’re facing right now.


As you and I have seen in recent years, fights move fast.

The statists don’t wait around when they have some horrendous new scheme they’d like to RAM into law.

In today’s political environment, often legislation is unveiled just a few hours before it’s set to be voted on.

That’s because the statists know it takes time for our side to mobilize.

The good news is, the FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly-contributor program fixes that problem.

FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly contributions mean it no longer takes weeks to raise the money to launch full-scale counterattacks.

FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributors are the National Association for Gun Rights’ backbone for three very important reasons:


1)  FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support means I don’t have to waste critical time raising money in order to respond to anti-gun legislative attacks.

Fights move at lightening speed in today’s political environment.  Failure to remain on guard is a recipe for sure defeat in both federal and state legislative fights;

2)  FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support means I have some idea of future resources.

Quite simply, that means I’m never forced to “hold back” in a make-or-break fight.  It also means I’m able to lay the groundwork for taking back Second Amendment freedoms we’ve lost over the years;

3)  FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support ensures the gun-grabbers WILL be held accountable this November for all their outrageous attacks on our gun rights.

Whether or not Harry Reid keeps his Senate Majority Leader position could hinge on just a handful of U.S. Senate races this election year.  Any one of them could turn on a dime.

FRONTLINE DEFENDERS’ monthly support will help me ensure anti-gun politicians will have NOWHERE to hide from their records this November.

This program isn’t for everyone.  I know that.

At the time of the American Revolution, not everyone actively worked to free our country from British rule.

Only a special few did -- but it’s those patriots we celebrate today.

Likewise, the FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly-contributor program is for the true patriots who are willing to take an extra step to defend their gun rights.

It’s for those who realize our Second Amendment is just too precious to sit back and “hope” President Obama and his anti-gun pals don’t try to RAM any draconian gun control bills into law in the dark of night.

In short, it’s for patriots like you.

This is the National Association for Gun Rights’ premium membership program that comes with many special benefits, including:


>>>  Automatic entry into monthly gun giveaways like the Daniel Defense AR-15 I told you about;

>>>  Special FRONTLINE DEFENDER gear, which cannot be purchased from the NAGR store.  This exclusive gear is solely for FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly-contributors;

>>>  The exclusive “FROM THE FRONTLINES” Newsletter, which comes straight from my desk;

>>>  Invites for special conference calls where my staff and I will go over our plans and answer questions;

>>>  An active and ongoing membership in the National Association for Gun Rights -- which means you’ll no longer be asked to renew your support every year;

>>>  Bragging rights as a National Association for Gun Rights premium-level member -- and the knowledge you’re making as much of a difference as you can in the fight to protect our Second Amendment rights.

Not only that, but by signing up right now, you’ll also be entered to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Colorado the weekend of July 26 for you and a spouse or friend!

There, you’ll visit National Association for Gun Rights headquarters, meet my staff and join us for our annual machine gun shoot.

Most Americans have never shot real machine guns because of the draconian laws and regulations that cover their ownership and use.

I can tell you, it’s a lot of fun.

This is your chance to join us.

 I know $0.33 per day might not sound like it would make that much of a difference.

But the truth is, FRONTLINE DEFENDERS are the National Association for Gun Right’s backbone.

So I hope you’ll sign up today.

If you do, you’ll have a chance to win the Daniel Defense AR-15 and the all-expenses-paid trip I told you about.

In any fight against the gun-grabbers, it’s FRONTLINE DEFENDERS who serve as our Second Amendment’s first line of defense.

I need as many fine folks like you to sign up.

So please sign up right away!

It’s fast.  It’s easy.  It’s safe and secure.

I know you’ll love the gifts.

But most importantly, I know you’ll love the peace of mind you’ll have knowing you’re making a truly incredible impact in protecting our Second Amendment rights.

So I’ll end this email with a simple question.

Do you believe your Second Amendment rights are worth $0.33 per day?

If so, please sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor right away.

For Freedom,


Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

P.S. Do you believe your Second Amendment rights are worth $0.33 a day?

If you do, I hope you’ll take just a few minutes to sign up for the National Association for Gun Rights’ FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly contributor program IMMEDIATELY.

You can do so for as little as $10.00 per month.  And there’s literally NOTHING you can do to make a bigger impact for our Second Amendment rights.

In fact, this program is so important, if you sign up as a FRONTLINE DEFENDER monthly-contributor today, you’ll be automatically entered to win a very nice Daniel Defense AR-15 with EOTech sights AND an all-expenses-paid trip to Colorado the weekend of July 26 for our annual machine gun shoot!

So won’t you please act right away?