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Is Gun Control Next?

Erica D - Campaign for Liberty

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July 22, 2013

Emboldened by John McCain's weak-kneed Cut and Run Caucus, the gun-grabbers have intensified their behind-the-scenes lobbying efforts while ratcheting up the pressure on key U.S. Senators.

And according to inside sources, President Obama and Harry Reid have a trick up their sleeve to RAM gun control through the Senate.

So it's critical you and I turn up the heat on Congress NOW!

Please read the below email John Tate sent you on Friday, and be sure to sign your "NO GUN CONTROL DEALS" Directive IMMEDIATELY!

Patrick, MAJOR assaults on our Second Amendment rights could be just around the corner.

So there's not a moment to waste.

Read John's email below and sign your "NO GUN CONTROL DEALS" Directive right away.

In Liberty,

Erica D.


for Liberty

Dear Erica,

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid learned an important lesson this past week . . .

In virtually any Senate game of “chicken” he can dream up, there will always be a few Republican U.S. Senators he can count on to roll over for whatever he wants.

Erica, after yesterday’s votes, I’m more afraid than ever that you and I will see gun control back on the U.S. Senate floor in the coming weeks.

Worse, I’m worried you and I could see Senator McCain’s Cut and Run Caucus standing side-by-side with President Obama helping to RAM it through!

That’s why it’s absolutely vital you sign your "NO GUN CONTROL DEALS DIRECTIVE" immediately!

No Gun Deals! - TURN

Senator McCain’s decision to cut and run under the “nuclear option” threat means Senator Reid can easily clear the Senate’s calendar for something BIG.

What that could be is anyone’s guess . . .

But the truth is, even before the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, last December, gun control was at the top of President Obama’s priority list for the new Congress.

Since that horrific day, the gun-grabbers have done everything possible to take advantage of the tragedy.

Thanks to your support, Campaign for Liberty helped turn back President Obama’s anti-gun assaults in the U.S. Senate.

But since then, the gun-grabbers have intensified their behind-the-scenes lobbying efforts.

Anti-gun groups have ratcheted up the pressure on key U.S. Senate votes.

Not only that, but as you and I saw with this recent filibuster fight, Senator McCain’s Cut and Run Caucus is growing more weak-kneed by the day.

In fact, Senator John McCain himself called gun control attempts “common sense” and predicted “the issue will come back.”

So I’m afraid you and I could see MAJOR assaults on our Second Amendment rights just around the corner, including:

*** NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION under the guise of expanded “background checks.” After all, in order to CONFISCATE every firearm in America – the gun-grabbers’ ultimate goal – they first need to register them;

*** NEW “MENTAL HEALTH” RESTRICTIONS handing federal bureaucrats the power to strip Americans of our Second Amendment rights on a whim – just because they don’t like our race, religion, or politics - WITHOUT adjudication;

*** NEW "ANTI-TRAFFICKING" PROVISIONS, handing ATF goons virtually unlimited power to harass and intimidate innocent American citizens who dare to loan, sell, or give firearms to others.

Erica, I’m afraid there could be much, much more.

And who knows what President Obama and Senator Reid could have up their sleeve . . .

Knowing they only need a few more votes from the Cut and Run Caucus to RAM their gun control schemes through the Senate, I’m afraid they may very well succeed.

Unfortunately, in the U.S. House, the situation is hardly better.

Already, GOP leadership has shown its willingness to use Big Government Democrats to ram through bills most Republicans oppose.

So if you and I want to protect our gun rights, we have to turn the heat up on Congress NOW.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your "NO GUN CONTROL DEALS" Directive IMMEDIATELY!

No Gun Deals! -

And, if you can, please make your most generous contribution, as well.

As I mentioned, Senate Majority Leader Reid’s goal with this filibuster fight was to clear the Senate calendar . . .

For what, I can’t say . . .

My hope is any assault on our gun rights doesn’t take place until after the Senate’s recess in August.

But even if that’s true, that still only gives us a handful of weeks to mobilize.

You and I must take advantage of every second.

Already, C4L staff is working hard preparing hard-hitting mail, emails and Internet ads.

But I’m afraid I’ll have to pull out all the stops and pay for newspaper, radio, and TV ads, as well.

So I’m counting on your generosity.

Won’t you please agree to a generous and IMMEDIATE contribution of $30 TODAY?

I know that’s more than you’ve given in the past, but you and I both know how critical this is.

But if $30 is just too much, please agree to $20, or at least $10.

There’s not a moment to waste.

Please act TODAY!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Senator McCain’s decision to cut and run under the “nuclear option” threat means Senator Reid can easily clear the Senate’s calendar for something BIG.

I’m afraid that’s going to be gun control, so I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action.

Please sign your "NO GUN CONTROL DEALS DIRECTIVE" immediately!

And, if you can, please agree to your most generous contribution of $30, $20, or at least $10 TODAY!

No Gun Deals! - TURN ON IMAGES