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June 8, 2013 1:16 am theunhivedmind 2 Comments

8 June 2013 Last updated at 01:39 Share this pageEmailPrint

Six dead in Santa Monica shooting rampage

At least six people are dead after a series of shootings around a college in Santa Monica, California, say police.

The rampage began at a house and ended on campus where police say they shot the gunman in the college library.

Police say the attacker killed two people in the home, two more as he headed to the nearby Santa Monica College and another two on campus.

The gunman was described as in his late 20s, wearing a bullet-proof jacket and armed with an assault-style rifle.

The college is streets away from a fundraiser attended by President Barack Obama, although there is no suggestion of any link.

Second gunman?

The violence began before noon on Friday as the gunman, dressed in black and wearing an ammunition belt, fired shots at a house, witnesses said.

The property was then consumed by fire, although it is not clear how the blaze started.

Neighbour Jerry Rathner said she witnessed the shooting from her veranda, the Associated Press reported.

The gunman then walked to the street corner, pointed his gun at a driver and told her to pull over.

He signalled to another car with a female driver to slow down and fired into the car several times.

Ms Rathner said she rushed to help the victim and saw she had a shoulder injury.

“He fired three to four shots into the car, boom, boom, boom, right at her,” Ms Rathner said.

Authorities say the violence then moved to a street corner near the college, where the suspect fired at passing vehicles before entering the campus.

Police Chief Jaqueline Seabrooks said the gunman entered the college library and fired at people but did not hit anyone.

A women is comforted by a traffic officer near a college following a shooting on the campus in Santa Monica, California, on 7 June 2013

Santa Monica College, which has about 34,000 students, was placed on lockdown

“The officers came in and directly engaged the suspect and he was shot and killed on the scene,” she said.

Student Jimes Gillespie, 20, said he saw a car riddled with bullet holes, shattered glass and a baby seat in the back.

Authorities also took into custody a second man dressed in black with the words “life is a gamble” on the back of his shirt.

“We are not convinced 100 percent that the suspect who was killed operated in a solo or alone capacity,” Chief Seabrooks added.

Three women were taken to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where a doctor said one patient had died, one was undergoing surgery and the third was in a serious condition.

Three more patients were taken to the UCLA Medical Center Santa Monica to be treated for minor injuries.

The shooting unfolded a few miles from where President Obama was speaking at a political fundraiser.

The Secret Service, which protects the US president, said the incident did not affect his schedule.

theunhivedmind on June 8, 2013 at 1:45 am said:

Just another sick set-up by military intelligence by proxy in order to aid the future confiscation of guns either by force or by color of law (fiction) statutes and legislation. Bonesman John Kerry cannot wait to remove all the guns from the United States for the United Nations World Marxist dictatorship state coming shortly. Once again nothing more than Ordo-Ab-Chao commanded by the Valley of Dallas, Scottish Rite for the takeover and destruction of the United States. During the U.S. Election Obama made out he was against gun grabbing except for assault weapons. This was to aid and veil himself for the coming future events like this they have planned. So when they attempt to hinder guns in the U.S. even further the majority of the people will not lay blame solely at Obama’s feet. They know what they have planned and work to this plan which always deceives the people constantly. This is all in preparation now for the U.N Arms Treaty to be accepted Worldwide.

-= The Unhived Mind

Iron Mountain – Blueprint for Tyranny




Odie on June 8, 2013 at 3:25 am said:

Has there ever been a shooting at a Jesuit college?