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New York Paying $500 For Snitches To Report Illegal Gun Owners


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March 24, 2013

I told you yesterday that Governor Andrew Cuomo was having to reevaluate his unconstitutional gun legislation called the SAFE Act. Well now this same tyrant is offering tax payer money for snitches in New York to tell on their fellow citizens that have firearms that are considered illegal under his new gun law.

Back in February of 2012, before the SAFE Act was passed, Cuomo indicated that one of the four pronged initiatives he was putting forth was a program to offer a cash reward (that’s tax payer money) for citizens who become turncoats and out their neighbors to police so that they can confiscate their firearms, which are supposed to be protected under the Constitution.


A “Gun Tip Line” has been set up so that New Yorkers can call a toll free hotline (obviously paid for with tax payer dollars as well) and snitch on people without any evidence that they have an illegal firearm. It’s sort of like Child Protective Services for Firearms. No evidence is needed, just an anonymous tip.

If an arrest is made, the anonymous tipster would get $500.

“This initiative seeks to turn neighbor against neighbor and use their own tax dollars to pay for the $500 reward,” said Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin (R-Melrose).

McLaughlin is correct. This is exactly what this is. It is dividing the city even more.

CBS Albany reports,

John Tedesco, City of Troy Police Chief, says he was aware of the state’s program, but questioned whether or not the public was aware.

“The average citizen doesn’t equate with the Governor’s office,” said Chief Tedesco.

“It is their local PD, that is who they are going to call first.” The process of police investigating and ultimately showing up at someone’s home, upon a tip, could be lengthy, said Tedesco.

“You simply can’t appear at someone’s doorstep, bust a door down, go in take a weapon and try to go to a judge later (and say) ‘well your honor we thought this was going to happen’”, said Tedesco. “They (judges) want to see the proof.”

Government will always use snitches and there will always be plenty of snitches for them to exploit. My advice for my fellow Americans in New York is to not let anyone know about the firearms you own, except those in your own household.

Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America Erich Pratt told Freedom Outpost that it was “outrageous for New York State to encourage people to narc on their neighbors.”

Pratt also pointed to McDonald Vs Chicago to demonstrate the illegal nature of any State to violate the Bill of Rights found in the Federal Constitution. He said that the court got it right when they referenced the Fourteenth Amendment to protect the Second Amendment and applied it to the states.

While New Yorkers are pushing for repeal of the tyrannical gun law, Colorado is going ahead with its legislation and sheriffs have made it known that those laws will not be enforced. This leads me to be cautious and, as a result, ask if laws are left in place, what is to keep a new generation from enforcing them? The reality is that is a strong possibility and that is why they need to be repealed, not just ignored. Pratt said that was a hope of his organization and that would largely happen by the public issuing “pink slips” to those in office when there are new elections.

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