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It's a sham

Dudley Brown - National Gun Rights

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Feb. 8, 2013


Last week, NRA President David Keene was asked about the role he expected Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to play in President Obama’s newly launched war on guns.

Like many gun owners nationwide, I could hardly believe the response he gave:

“[W]here Harry Reid ends up in this debate is anybody’s guess, and I think that’s one of the guessing games that’s going around Washington now.”

-- ABC News, 1/31/13

NRA President: Reid’s Role in

Guns Debate a ‘Guessing Game’

When Harry Reid was in the reelection campaign fight for his life in 2010, the NRA handed him nearly $5,000 in campaign cash! 'NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre went to Nevada in what amounts to a campaign stop for the Senate Majority Leader and had this to say about him . . .

And now the NRA can’t be DEAD SURE where he stands?

Well, just a few days after that announcement, Senator Reid made his position crystal clear for everyone.

He is going to gladly work hand-in-hand with President Obama to RAM into law the gun-grabbers' top priority -- creation of a national gun registry under the guise of “background checks.”

The truth is, as I’ve told you before, this is the absolute WORST thing that could happen.

Gun registration is just the first step to outright CONFISCATION!

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your No Gun Ban petition TODAY.

But before I give you the link, there’s much more critical information you simply must know.

After you’re finished reading this email, I hope you’ll forward this to every pro-Second Amendment patriot you know and ask them to sign the No Gun Ban petition, as well.

You see, with President Obama going for the jugular in the wake of the Newtown tragedy, you and I have to be willing to stare the facts straight in the face if we hope to save our Second Amendment freedoms.

And the fact is, what’s happening right now with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid isn’t an anomaly.

Time and again, its highly-rated NRA “allies” who are taking the lead in stabbing you and me in the back.

*** “A-rated” West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin has come out in support for several gun control schemes, including registration and the Feinstein Gun Ban after receiving nearly $11,500 from the NRA;

*** “A-rated” Democrat Senator Mark Warner of Virginia publicly endorsed the new Feinstein Gun Ban;

*** “A-rated” Ohio Senator Rob Portman of Ohio publicly stated he would consider supporting President Obama’s call for high-capacity magazines;

*** “A-rated” Montana Democrat Governor Brian Schweitzer VETOED Constitutional Carry, which simply says if you’re legal to carry a firearm, you’re legal to carry it to protect yourself and your family. PERIOD.

And the list goes on.

Literally hundreds of NRA A-rated politicians routinely advance gun control in Congress and State Legislatures.

Judging by the NRA’s rankings alone, you and I should be able to stop any gun control scheme dead in its tracks.

Nearly half the Senate is “A-rated.”

A large majority in the U.S. House have “A-ratings.”

But now the NRA admits the outcome of this fight is left up to a “guess?”

The truth is, these ratings are little more than a sham.

Time and again anti-gun actions by NRA pals are glossed over.

Or, even worse, just because one of their anti-gun “friends” in leadership is scared about taking a tough stand on our gun rights, they’ll join forces with the gun-grabbers.

They’ve done it before.

I’m afraid that’s why the NRA mobilized to DEFEAT Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to strip anti-gun provisions out of the PATRIOT Act that allow President Obama’s goons to snoop on the gun records of any law-abiding American citizen in the country without so much as a warrant.

But they wouldn’t lift a finger when Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid launched an all-out assault to weaken the Senate filibuster to make RAMMING gun control into law even easier.

How might the U.S. Senate look differently if the NRA hadn’t handed out campaign cash to anti-gun Senators like Harry Reid when they were involved in the fight of their lives?

How might law-abiding Second Amendment supporters -- who didn’t dare question the NRA’s ratings -- behaved differently at the polls if the NRA had been busy telling the stone-cold TRUTH about candidates, instead of just bragging about phony friendships?

Now, even BILLIONAIRE Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group Mayors Against Guns ran a devastating Super Bowl ad touting the NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s own words from 1999;

“We think it’s reasonable to provide mandatory in-state criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show. No loopholes anywhere for anyone.”

-- Forbes, 2/2/13 

“Here’s Mayors Against

Illegal Guns Super Bowl Ad”

Anti-gun ads like these, exposing the NRA’s flip-flopping, are only playing right into President Obama’s hands.

Quite frankly, I’m worried.

I know many anti-gun Republicans in Washington, D.C. -- especially those in leadership -- want to cut a deal.

They’re feeling the heat from the national media and they’re ready to cave -- just like they have on issue after issue in recent weeks.

NRA “A-rated” Republican Congressman Scott Rigell from Virginia just introduced a new gun control scheme with anti-gun Democrat Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy of New York.

Under this bill, gun owners could be terrorized by President Obama’s ATF.

Under the guise of keeping guns out of the hands of felons, this legislation would effectively FORCE law-abiding gun owners to register their firearms with President Obama via his so-called “Brady Registration checks.”

If you refuse, there would be absolutely no way to prove your innocence.

And ten years from now, the gun you sold to a close friend or family member could end up in a criminal’s hand and YOU’LL be the one going to jail.

Will this be the anti-gun scheme weak-kneed Republicans choose?

Will the NRA sign off?

Will you stand firm with me NO MATTER WHAT to protect our God-given rights to keep and bear arms?

If you will, please sign your No Gun Ban petition IMMEDIATELY.

The National Association for Gun Rights WILL be fighting EVERY anti-gun scheme that rears its ugly head in Congress. PERIOD.

And any Member of Congress who chooses to cross us is going to be receiving the wrath of Second Amendment supporters all over the country -- not some phony “A-rating.”

But these fights are going to move fast.

So in addition to your signed No Gun Ban petition, please forward this email to ALL of your pro-gun friends and family.

And if you can, please chip in $10 or $20 to help me battle back against the gun-grabbers schemes.

Thank you so much for your support.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President P.S. The NRA cut Harry Reid checks for nearly $5,000, and now they’re saying his position on our gun rights is a “guessing game.”

As far as the National Association for Gun Rights is concerned, any Member of Congress who chooses to cross us is going to be receiving the wrath of Second Amendment supporters all over the country -- not some phony “A-rating.”

So in addition to your signed No Gun Ban petition, please forward this email to ALL of your pro-gun friends and family.

And if you can, please chip in $10 or $20 to help me battle back against the gun-grabbers schemes.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is