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Newtown Father Blasts Gun Control

Paul Joseph Watson

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Feb. 5, 2013

“You will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold dead hands”

In testimony that was universally ignored by the mainstream media, Newtown father Bill Stevens blasted attempts to use the Sandy Hook tragedy as a poster child for gun control, telling a public hearing, “You will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold dead hands.”

Last week, MSNBC deceptively edited a clip of Neil Heslin, the father of Jesse Lewis, who was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary, to portray second amendment activists as insensitive by claiming they were heckling Heslin when in reality they were answering a question he had asked them.

However, the network failed to broadcast statements given at the same hearing by Bill Stevens, father of a 5th grader who attends a school in Newtown and whose classmate’s little sister was killed at Sandy Hook.

Calling gun control bills currently proposed “asinine,” Stevens quoted the Connecticut state constitution, which reads, “Every citizen has the right to bear arms in defense of himself and the state.”

Noting that inalienable rights could not be diluted by legislation, Stevens added that the final report on what happened at Sandy Hook would not be completed until the summer, and that the facts were not even known.

“Criminals and tyrants – tyrants especially – beware – lockdown is not an option at the Stevens residence and 911 will be dialed after the security of my home has been established,” said Stevens, adding, “Why is that same security my daughter enjoys at home with her Dad not available at school in Newtown – that is what you should be considering, not making her Dad a criminal.”

Stevens then quoted Charlton Heston, remarking, “I will tell you here today, you will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold dead hands,” before slamming his fist on the table as the audience cheered.

While anti-second amendment rhetoric from parents of Sandy Hook victims has been obsessively aired as a platform for Barack Obama’s gun control agenda, voices of dissent have been silenced.

Stevens’ testimony was completely ignored by networks and big newspapers, with the only mainstream media outlet to even mention his statement being the Connecticut Post.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.